On April 2, 2023, renowned BGMI player Shubham "NinjaJOD" Ranjan Sahoo was live streaming the BR title on YouTube with his friends from the gaming community. During the broadcast, he denied all accusations of stream sniping levied against him by Neyoo. He mentioned that he only watches the streams of players from whom he can learn something for his own improvement. He provided the example of Omega and Goblin.
He then went on to talk about how Neyoo's gameplay resembles NinjaJOD's gameplay back in Season 2 of PUBG Mobile. He confirmed that he does not watch Neyoo's streams.
Timestamp: 8:32
NinjaJOD's exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"Let me clarify this. I watch the streams of these good players like Omega, Goblin, and a few other international players. Why would I watch streams of those players from whom I would not learn anything? He plays like I used to play classic matches in Season 2. I do not watch his streams."
NinjaJOD represents TSM and Neyooo is part of GodLike Esports. Both these organizations have been involved in multiple controversies in the last few months. So it's no shock that NinjaJOD's recent statements have got fans buzzing with excitement.
BGMI pro NinjaJOD urges GodLike Esports' players to focus on performing better
Continuing on the same matter, the BGMI star stated that he had no idea who he was facing in the match and eliminated him, thinking of him as a "free kill." NinjaJOD even stated that the players of GodLike Esports are now reduced to a meme and should consider playing better instead of shouting on stream. He said (translated from Hindi):
"You guys get defeated in 1v3 and 1v4 situations on a daily basis. Now how will I know that you are a free kill? I saw you and I picked up your kill. That's it. Nowadays, you guys are reduced to a meme. So start performing instead of shouting on stream."
The entire conversation arose due to stream sniping accusals by BGMI pro Neyoo. He had mentioned that NinjaJOD and the entire TSM lineup were watching his live stream. He even called the BGMI player "shameless" and attributed his gameplay to being "pathetic."
Although players are playing esports scrims and controversies are popping up surrounding these matches, BGMI remains suspended. It remains to be seen when the game will eventually make its official comeback