On April 11, 2023, prominent Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports athlete Harmandeep "Mavi" Singh hosted a livestream on his popular LOCO channel where he played scrims alongside other star players. During the broadcast, he replied to one of his subscribers who informed him that NinjaJOD from TSM is asking him to join their team.
In response, Mavi mentioned that he would only join TSM if they approached him for trials in the ongoing scrims. He said he would be playing scrims along with popular players like Punkk, Immortal, and Ultron.
The renowned IGL also highlighted that Ultron has not parted ways with Team 8bit and is only playing with him for some time.
Timestamp: 4:21
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"I will only play with them if they call me for trial. Otherwise, I will not go and feature in their team. Today I am playing with Punkk, Immortal, and Ultron and I am happy playing with them. Let me also make it clear that Ultron is playing with me a limited time and has not parted ways with Team 8bit."
Mavi is a pioneer in the BGMI esports community and has a huge fanbase. Hence it’s not shocking that the star player's comments have created a lot of buzz amongst fans and esports enthusiasts.
Team SoloMid and Mavi could be great match for BGMI esports tournaments and scrims
For those unaware, ShadowOG's departure from TSM before the Battlegrounds Mobile Showdown LAN event saw the team playing without a permanent IGL. Since then, they have tried out several BGMI esports players as their IGL but have been unsuccessful.
Similarly, the suspension on Battlegrounds Mobile India saw Team X Spark disbanding and Mavi becoming a free agent. Mavi is currently in search of a team, and it remains to be seen if he will join Team SoloMid in the near future.
In an earlier livestream, the BGMI star spoke about his desire to join an organization where he could have full control of the team. He also stated that doing so would help him propel the team to success. Hence, joining TSM India's BGMI roster could help both parties.
Although the game's scrims are ongoing, the battle royale title is still suspended in the Indian market. It will be interesting to see when it will eventually make a comeback.