On April 15, 2023, renowned BGMI pro and content creator Raj "Snax" Varma held a livestream on his popular YouTube channel where he played Valorant alongside random players and his friends from S8UL. During the broadcast, he was seen replying to a subscriber who asked him the reason for not playing Battlegrounds Mobile India.
In response, Snax mentioned that the game's suspension has stopped him from playing the popular BR title. He assured his fans that he will resume playing BGMI once it makes its official comeback to the Indian digital market. He also dismissed all rumors of him permanently leaving the game.
Timestamp: 5:02
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"I stopped playing the game because it remains suspended. I will start playing as soon as it is back. Moreover, many of you have been asking me if I have permanently left playing the game. Let me tell you, it's nothing like that. I will resume grinding in-game the day it makes its comeback. Stop being so tensed."
Millions of Battlegrounds Mobile India players across the country consider Snax a cult figure. Hence, it's no shock that the legend's recent words have created a buzz.
Snax is happy making progress with other games during BGMI's suspension
Continuing on the same matter, Snax highlighted how he grinded in PUBG Mobile after its ban in 2020. However, he incurred losses instead of progressing.
To avoid repeating the same mistake, this time around, the BGMI star has tried several new things like vlogging, playing multiple PC games, as well as roleplaying in GTA 5. Snax mentioned how he is happy doing these things and they are helping him run his household, which wasn't the case last time around.
He stated that he is happy with the progress he is currently making as a content creator at S8UL.
His exact statements were (translated from Hindi):
"During the last ban, I grinded a lot for six months, but it didn't help me. Those six months ended up making losses. This time around, I am trying new things like vlogging, multiple PC games, and GTA RP. I am happy with that. I can run my household with that. Last time I did not do anything and hence, my household wasn't doing great. This time, I am doing things differently and I am making progress."
As of today (April 17), there is no official confirmation from Krafton regarding BGMI getting unbanned. It remains to be seen when it will be reinstated in the virtual markets.