Sahil "Omega" Jakhar, a popular Indian BGMI IGL and content creator, recently hosted a livestream on Loco. During the stream, he responded to viewers while playing scrims, with one question directed at the improvements necessary for Team SouL, since he had previously played at international tournaments.
The professional athlete addressed his audience and provided them with some wise words of advice:
"It is not only about getting better but it is also about the mindset. Having the appropriate mindset, being in touch with the game, and possessing the drive to win and improve are all crucial."
He further added:
"You must have dedication to achieve something. I have observed that if you work diligently with this dedication, you will ultimately get the results. In the end, all of your efforts will pay off, and no one will be able to take what you have earned away from you."
BGMI star Omega answers various fan questions during his livestream
In addition to Loco, Sahil "Omega" Jakhar actively streams on his YouTube channel as well, where he has a significant fan following. Throughout his recent livestream, BGMI star Omega engaged with viewers and fielded questions on a wide range of topics, including a separate boot camp for SouL that Thug had mentioned before.
In response, the BGMI pro stated that the game hasn't officially returned yet and that this point should be discussed at a later time. He continued by stating that everything is well and good regardless of whether this discussion of the organization's boot camp continues.
Omega is considered by many to be one of the most successful IGLs in the BGMI community and even led SouL to victory at BMPS 2022, which helped them qualify for the PUBG Mobile World Invitational 2022.
Previously, the Indian esports athlete discussed international competitiveness in an exclusive interview with Sportskeeda. Once again, he stressed that Indian players are just as good as everyone else, and that the only difference is their experience. Similar to his recent stream, Omega has also added that commitment and focus are the areas where gamers from India need to catch up.
In the past, MortaL named Team SouL's IGL, Omega, as his favorite BGMI player and stated that Jonathan is the best player in the country.
He reasoned that Omega scolds his teammates when they make mistakes and keeps younger inexperienced players in check, just like the organization's owner. He also stated that Sahil stood out as a leader, both on and off the screen.