On March 10, 2023, popular Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) player and YouTuber Ashish "Ash" Bhatnagar hosted a Q&A session on his Instagram handle. During the session, the star uploaded multiple stories and replied to several questions from his followers.
In a series of stories, Ash confirmed that he has heard that Battlegrounds Mobile India might be returning to the Indian market soon. He went on to mention that there is a possibility that the game might return in April, and gamers might get an announcement towards the end of March.
Timestamp: 1:47
His exact words were:
"It might be back in April or we might get to hear an announcement at the end of this month. I do not have any concrete information, but all I know is that the game is coming soon."
Considering that both Ash and Orangutan Gaming have a large fan following within the BGMI gaming community, it's no shock that the star player's remarks have garnered significant interest.
Ash talks about strategies used in BGMI esports tournaments and the chances of Indian representation at the upcoming PMWI 2023
Ash then answered another question regarding Orangutan's approach to staying ahead of their competitors on the virtual battlegrounds.
In response, Ash spoke of the intricacies of the art of gaming. He highlighted the importance of timing, where if a BGMI player can catch the flanker of a nearby team off-guard, they can easily defeat that team.
According to him, having better timing can help a T1 team emerge victorious, otherwise, every team has strong rotation strategies and gun games, which can be hard to differentiate. He said:
"Nowadays, almost every T1 teams' rotation and gun game are strong. So mostly it all comes down to who is beating the timing. If you can beat the opponent's timing by catching him five seconds earlier, you will defeat him. It all comes down to timing."
Meanwhile, Ash also spoke about the possibility of an Indian team playing in the forthcoming PMWI 2023. He stated that, like last year, when 7Sea Esports won the BMSD and represented India in the PMWI: Afterparty Showdown 2022, "probably, mostly this year, the same thing can happen."
Although Ash is optimistic about BGMI's return, the title remains suspended in the Indian digital market. Millions of gamers are waiting for the title to return to the digital storefronts of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It is still unknown when the battle royale will fetch new in-game content.