BGMI has been a hot topic of discussion for fans since it got banned in India in July 2022. During one of his recent live streams, renowned esports caster Amrit "Fyxs" Gourav spoke about the game's rumored unban. Talking about the positive signs and speculations, Fyxs said (translated from Hindi):
"BGMI will arrive when it is supposed to arrive, but there's that ... signs are positive ... vibes are positive ... maybe it will return this month or max to max within the next three months [it] is surely coming back."
He responded to a follower who seemed curious about Battlegrounds Mobile India's return due to declining family support. Fyxs continued (translated from Hindi):
"See, I am not an 'official source' of BGMI. There have been talks that [it] should return max to max within the next three months, right? Many streamers had claimed it might return this month, but unfortunately, that did not happen. So, this is it for BGMI ... it should return, either this month or within the next three months ... as far as [I] have learnt from the sources. But again, no one can say anything [certainly] until it returns"
As Fyxs mentioned about Battlegrounds Mobile India's unban, there is no surety without an official announcement from Krafton. Although the game is blocked with no unban date, fans who have it downloaded can still play it as the servers are active.
No announcement or confirmation from Krafton, as BGMI servers are still active in India
Battlegrounds Mobile India might still be blocked without confirmation of its return, but its servers are still active. The game is unavailable in India-specific Google Play Store and Apple App Store due to MeitY's restrictions, but players who had installed it before the ban can still play it without any inconvenience.
In the past eight months of its absence, Krafton has taken the game offline a couple of times for maintenance breaks. However, unlike PUBG Mobile, Battlegrounds Mobile has not received a single patch update. Thus, many dubious websites are providing links to modified APK versions of the game.
Although Krafton has not revealed any unban date, the South Korean game holding firm has taken a few opportunities to express its intentions regarding resuming Battlegrounds Mobile India's services. Additionally, recent media reports have also hinted at the return of the Indian PUBG Mobile variant with some changes.
Be that as it may, players must remember that MeitY blocked BGMI for data security reasons. The game might only get unbanned if the issues are resolved, so readers must avoid relying on leaks and wait for Krafton's official word.