In the latest development, Krafton has banned four more teams from competing in the ongoing Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS) 2024 for violating the tournament’s rules. These four teams were among the 512 that competed in the previous phase and were found to have used third-party software during the second round of the event, which was held from May 9 to May 12.
The third round of this mega competition is set to start on May 16, in which 240 teams from the second round and 16 teams from the Grind will be seen fighting for 48 slots in the next stage. With a total prize pool of ₹2 crore, this two-month-long event promises intense competition and high stakes.
Four teams banned from BGIS 2024 for cheating in Round 2
Krafton announced the ban of these four teams, U4G, Unique Destiny, ISO, and AlwaysnForever, from the India Series 2024 through its social media pages.
The publisher stated:
"It is with regret that we must announce a significant decision affecting the integrity and fairness of the said competition. U4G ESPORTS, UNIQUE DESTINY ESPORTS, ISO ESPORTS, and ALWYZnFOREVER ESPORTS have been officially banned from participating in BGIS 2024 due to violations of the tournament's Code of Conduct/Ruleset."
The company also mentioned that these teams used unauthorized software and said:
"An investigation confirmed that these teams engaged in activities that directly violated these rules. The specific infractions involved using unauthorized software modifications and collaborating with other players equipped with cheating devices. These actions undermine the sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness that BGIS stands for."
In round 2, these teams played six matches each. However, the organizer didn’t reveal their points and rankings of the previous stage. The officials mentioned that their earned points will be redistributed equally among the remaining clubs in their respective groups. This decision follows a pattern of similar actions taken against teams banned in recent weeks for rule violations.
Krafton live streams the matches of a few groups on its official YouTube channel in Hindi and English languages. Numerous top-tier squads such as Carnival, WSB, XSpark, and Medal also took part in the second round of the BGIS 2024. These clubs seemed to be in emphatic form and also advanced to the next stage.
Many renowned lineups like Entity, Orangutan, Hydra, and Mogo (ex-Gods Reign) will begin their India Series campaign in the upcoming third stage. They entered the contest directly through the Grind tournament, which was organized in April.