Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), India's favorite battle royale, has enjoyed quite a lot of success ever since its launch. The title recently hit a massive milestone of 50 Million downloads on the Google Play Store. The title has been very well received by fans, who are now eagerly awaiting the launch of BGMI on iOS devices which is rumored to be around the corner.
As with all titles, BGMI has also had to face some obstacles in the form of cheaters. To counter this, BGMI recently put out its first report detailing the number of cheaters banned. This step was met with quite the praise in the community, which was facing a lot of problems due to rampant cheating regularly in matches.
Krafton bans 181,578 BGMI accounts for illegal programs
In a dedicated post on their website, BGMI published a second report detailing the no of cheaters banned. This week (ie from August 6 to 12) a total of 181,578 accounts were banned for using illegal programs.
The post also said that BGMI, on a daily basis, is continuously monitoring and banning accounts involved in the usage of illegal software. They also stressed that BGMI will strive to implement strong sanctions, with the ultimate goal of eradicating the use of illegal programs.
Last week ie (between July 30 and August 5) a total of 336,736 accounts were banned for cheating. The decline of almost 46% indicates the success of the anti-cheat system put in place by the developers. BGMI also encourages legit players to report these cheaters, for which they have put in place a player reporting system. This allows players to report the cheaters they encounter while playing the game.
The first tournament of BGMI, dubbed the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series, is right around the corner. With this in mind, the developers of BGMI will further look to strengthen and update the anti-cheat system to provide a fair environment for all players participating in the tournament. It remains to be seen if these anti-cheat measures taken by BGMI will stop cheaters from using illegal programs.