On February 29, 2024, Krafton hinted at its upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) official LAN event through a short video clip. However, the publisher didn't mention the name of that event. Mazy, a popular caster, has leaked that the third iteration of the prestigious BGIS will commence in March 2024. After the publisher's tease, fans and teams are eagerly waiting for this first official tournament of the year.
In its latest social media post, Krafton posted an 18-second video featuring scenes of fans enjoying themselves at Battlegrounds Mobile India LAN tournaments. The company captioned it - "BGMI Loading...."
Krafton to host first official BGMI tournament of 2024 in coming months
Several organizations have been preparing themselves for the first official BGMI event of 2024. The first two months of this year have seen several rosters get shuffled. Prestigious clubs like Team Soul, GodLike, Revenant, Entity, and others have made changes to their lineups. Numerous underdogs are also getting ready for this unnamed upcoming tournament.
According to Mazy, registrations for the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS) 2024 will be opened for underdog and semi-pro teams from across India. He also mentioned that many teams who have previously performed well in the official tournaments last year will receive a direct spot in this upcoming event.
The popular caster has also disclosed that Krafton is all set to implement a 10-point scoring system in the BGIS for the first time. Fans love to see competitions between teams under this point system. It's worth noting that Krafton has hosted all the previous BGMI tournaments in a 15-point system.
The publisher organized three official events in the second half of 2023, which included the BGIS, 2023's India vs South Korea Invitational, and the BMPS Season 2. Now, it is expected that several big tournaments will be conducted by Krafton in 2024.
Recently, ESL hosted the Snapdragon Pro Series with a massive cash prize pool of ₹1 crore. Its Grand Finals stage was contested at the Noida Indoor Stadium, Delhi, NCR. Several teams participated in this competition, and Entity Gaming emerged victorious.
A lot of squads will now be gearing up for the upcoming official BGMI tournament. The total prize pool of the first and second editions of the BGIS was ₹1 crore and ₹2 crore, respectively. It will be interesting to see what the prize money will be for its third edition. Krafton will reveal all relevant details regarding the event in the next few weeks.