Recently, professional BGMI player and coach Abhijeet "Ghatak" was live-streaming when he got suggested by a fan to get a new entry fragger for GodLike's roster. Declining advice, Ghatak mentioned that there is no need to hire a new player, as he said:
"There's no need to get a new guy. If there will be a requirement, I will go ahead and get a new player."
Immediately, another fan suggested Ghatak get SPower back in GodLike. Responding to his followers' suggestion, Ghatak maintained his previous opinion as he added:
"The first thing first, SPower should not have left. I love that guy and his gameplay, but, it is what it is. He wanted to go, so we mutually parted ways. We did not do anything like he is contract bound, this and that [sic] ... It a simple thing for us, if some isn't getting the feel here, he wanted to go, we let him go."
For those unaware, it has been months since SPower left GodLike Esports.
BGMI player SPower left GodLike last year in September after his parents' advice
Rudra "SPower" left GodLike Esports in September 2022 after his parents asked him to do so. SPower chose to leave the organization because of the absence of any slot in Battlegrounds Mobile India's roster. Reportedly, the esports player's parents didn't want him to waste his skills.
In January 2023, SPower joined Blind Esports as its youngest e-athlete. However, before he joined Blind, SPower also addressed a fan's question about him rejoining GodLike Esports. The Battlegrounds Mobile India pro said:
"I will not go back and represent an organization I have already left."
However, Rudra "SPower" also maintained that GodLike Esports was a family to him.
Ghatak on hiring a new assaulter for the BGMI roster of GodLike
Apart from getting asked about SPower, Ghatak was asked many other questions. Interestingly, another viewer also suggested \\"Ghatak" get a new assaulter for GodLike's BGMI lineup during the live stream. The Battlegrounds Mobile India pro then replied:
"See guys, here's a simple thing. Just chill, until the game makes a comeback. Everything will get sorted a month before the game's return. Just chill. Don't take any stress about these things (on getting a new assaulter). Take my word, everything will be sorted."
Ghatak's response was appropriate, considering there has hardly been anything actively happening in BGMI's esports ecosystem since July 2022, as the game is blocked to date in India.