On April 11, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports manager for GodLike Esports Kammaljeet Singh hosted a livestream on his YouTube channel. During this broadcast, he discussed the possibility of that BR title returning to India soon. He urged fans to stop asking him about the unban date of BGMI as he had no idea. Subsequently, he stated how some personalities had mentioned that the title would make a comeback either in March or at the end of April 2023.
Kammaljeet then referred to Shiva Nandy's tweet, which stated that the latter had met a government official who had confirmed that Battlegrounds Mobile India would be back soon. According to Singh, the game will be back either by the end of April or first week of May.
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"I don't know exactly when the game will be making its comeback. While some said it would return at the end of April, a few said it will return in March, but it still did not. You must have read Shiva Nandy's recent tweet where he mentioned how he talked to a government official. Most likely, the end of this month or the first week of May should see it returning. But the game is coming back for sure."
Kammaljeet is one of the most renowned individuals in the BGMI gaming community and has a huge fan following. Hence, it’s no shock that his opinion has garnered great buzz.
BGMI esports manager Kammaljeet assures that GodLike Esports will get a great coach
In the same livestream, Kammaljeet replied to one of his subscribers who'd urged him to hire a coach for GodLike Esports' main lineup because this would help the team become more consistent.
In reply, GodLike's manager mentioned that the organization has already started the process of scouting for that position and will be appointing one soon. Here's what Kammaljeet said (translated from Hindi):
"Its already in the pipeline. We will get one."
Kammaljeet and many other BGMI personalities are optimistic about the game's comeback. It remains to be seen when Battlegrounds Mobile India gets a nod from Krafton and the Indian government and is reinstated in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.