On April 17, 2023, prominent Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports star Harmandeep "Mavi" Singh organized a livestream on his popular LOCO channel. During the broadcast, he played practice scrims alongside his friends from Team 8bit and addressed the possibility of him rejoining Team X Spark.
Mavi dismissed all rumors, saying there is no chance that he will rejoin Team X Spark. He added that he and the owner of the team, Scout, know that they no longer sync well as a team and have decided not to tread on virtual battlegrounds together.
Timestamp: 0:03
His exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"No. Not at all. Why should I try again when I already know that we don't sync well together? We tried for a year and a half before you guys, but that did not yield results. We did not win a lot of trophies."
Mavi is a highly-rated IGL in the BGMI gaming community and has a massive fan following. His decision not to rejoin Team X Spark has understandably garnered a lot of attention from fans and esports enthusiasts in India.
Popular BGMI pro Mavi reveals the real problem in Team X Spark
In an earlier livestream, Mavi cited the main problem during his time at Team X Spark. He explained how players were easily able to talk to both him and Scout, which created a bit of a mess. According to him, players who were unhappy with Scout would complain to him and vice-versa.
Mavi also mentioned how the ban on BGMI affected his career at Team X Spark, as the members were not getting paid and stopped playing. According to him, those reasons led to the team disbanding last year.
Mavi remains a free agent to date. He is currently giving trials in practice scrims along with multiple popular BGMI esports players.
However, as Battlegrounds Mobile India remains suspended on the digital storefronts, Mavi, together with millions of players, is eagerly waiting for the title's official comeback.
It remains to be seen which organization will manage to rope in Mavi as their IGL.