Renowned BGMI player Suraj Nityanand "Neyoo" Majumdar was live streaming the Battle Royale title on YouTube with his mates from GodLike Esports on April 2, 2023. During this broadcast, he announced the return of Battlegrounds Mobile India legend Jonathan and hinted at the possibility of himself getting benched in the process.
During the stream, Neyoo mentioned that starting from April 2, fans will be unable to see him represent GodLike Esports in the ongoing Battlegrounds Mobile India esports scrims as the four other players will be participating. He stated that he was playing for the organization as Jonathan was unavailable. However, Neyoo will be benched for now since Jonathan is making a comeback.
Timestamp: 3:01
Neyoo's exact words were (translated from Hindi):
"From tomorrow onwards, I guess the other players from the team will play. I was playing because Jonathan was unavailable. So starting tomorrow, you guys will not be seeing me play. Now that Jonathan's back, I will not be playing."
Neyoo and Jonathan are considered amongst the best duos in the BGMI esports community and are followed by millions of players. So it's no shock that the former's recent statements on the latter's return to esports have got fans buzzing with excitement.
BGMI star Neyoo confirmed that he would not be taking part in the ongoing scrims for GodLike Esports
Continuing on the same matter, Neyoo affirmed that he was not joking about Jonathan's comeback. He also highlighted that Jonathan, Clutchgod, and Zgod are the preferred players in the main lineup, later affirming that he is currently on a break.
His exact statements were (translated from Hindi):
"I am not making any April Fool's jokes. For now, Clutchgod, Zgod, and Jonathan are the main players. I have been given a break or call it benched."
For those unaware, Jonathan recently visited Krafton's headquarters in South Korea, which led to his absence from the ongoing esports scrims of the title. His comeback is set to bolster GodLike Esports' gunpower.
Later on, in the same live stream, Neyoo mentioned that he would follow Ghatak's instructions and practice hard, enabling him to get his spot back in the main lineup.
BGMI players and esports enthusiasts all over India are eagerly waiting for the BR title to be available for download in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store again. However, Krafton has not announced the game's unban to date (April 3).