On June 1, 2023, prominent BGMI esports player Shubham "NinjaJOD" Ranjan Sahoo returned to live streaming for the first time after the title was unbanned. During the broadcast, he was playing the game along with his friends and spoke about multiple topics related to his esports career. He also cited reasons for parting ways with his former organization, Team SoloMid.
Here's what he said (translated from Hindi):
"I haven't joined any organization as of now. Nor do I do know which one will I join in the future. I don't even know if we will play together or not. Things are going on. Let's see what happens. We left TSM because our expertise didn't match theirs. So we parted ways."
NinjaJOD is one of the most popular BGMI players. Hence, it is natural that his recent statements on leaving TSM have already created a buzz amongst fans in the Indian gaming community.
NinjaJOD confirms his participation in the upcoming BGMI launch party
In the same livestream, he went on to speak about the uncertainty of the future, which holds a possibility of the teammates parting ways. NinjaJOD said (translated from Hindi):
"Right now I am not playing for anyone (org). I only play in the evening with my friends. Let's see what happens to the team in the future. Who knows if any organization will take us. It is even possible that our current team might break. There's no surety."
However, much to the fans' excitement, the streamer confirmed his participation in the Rising Launch Party. He said (translated from Hindi):
"I haven't played much. I am just focusing on playing the Launch Party along with Blaze and Aqua (Aquanox). Things can be good or bad, I have no idea. Let's see."
For those unaware, Team SoloMid released their BGMI esports roster (comprising NInjaJOD, Blaze, and Aquanox) a few weeks ago, and are yet to announce their comeback to India. Since then, several leakers have said that the players are en route to joining the popular organization, God's Reign.
With the star providing no hints about joining God's Reign, it remains to be seen if any other organization will rope him in to bolster their roster.