Tanmay Singh, popularly known in the Indian community as Scout, has spoken about the upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) tournaments in a live stream. According to him, the upcoming events will feature popular streamers and influencers.
After the release of the Early Access for BGMI, players are looking forward to the final version. It is expected to significantly boost the mobile esports segment and open the doors for many players to take it up competitively.
Scout opens up about upcoming Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) tournaments
In the live stream, Scout expressed his opinions about future BGMI tournaments:
“According to what I have heard, the first Battlegrounds Mobile India tournaments, like Streamer Battle, will be similar to community cups. Initially, I believe there will be invitational tournaments, and later on, there will be events with qualifiers.”
The prominent YouTuber and professional player added:
“Since BGMI came out slightly late, they are probably going to invite streamers to the event to create the hype. As a result, the first few tournaments, in a way, would be like the community event. I am sure the first one is Streamers Battle.”
(From timestamp: 9 minutes 58 seconds to 10 minutes 55 seconds)
In the initial announcement of the game back in May, Krafton revealed that Battlegrounds Mobile India would have its own esports ecosystem. Moreover, the South Korean company stated that it would be collaborating with partners to build this ecosystem.
The Early Access version of the game has been well received by users, exceeding five million downloads in a short amount of time. In addition, the developers have mentioned that all progress from this iteration will be carried over into the final release.