Scout recently disclosed the approximate salary of Team XSpark's BGMI players. The owner said that three players of the squad get between ₹1.5 lakh to ₹ ₹2 lakh per month. While one athlete receives between ₹1 lakh to ₹1.5 lakh, and the coach of the squad earns more than ₹1 lakh. However, he didn't give the exact figures of how much salary the players are getting per month.
Team XSpark currently has four players: NinjaJod, Sarang, Spraygod, and Shadow. Rahul "Osmium" Sharma is a coach of this BGMI squad. Dreams recently left the organization and joined Hydra Officials. The club is all set to participate in the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS) 2024.
Scout talks about salary issues in the BGMI scene
Reacting to the latest controversy between Neyoo and GodLike, Scout talked about salary issues between players and organizations in the scene. He also stated that when he was a part of Fnatic Esports, his salary was ₹1.5 lakh. Despite being one of the top athletes, he was not getting any salary for content creation there.
A few days back, Neyoo disclosed that GodLike Esports had not paid him for months. The news spread quickly in the BGMI community as he is one of the well-known players in the country. However, he was not playing competitively for a long time but was associated with the organization. After revealing his salary issues, he has also left the firm and joined Gujarat Tigers as a substitute for the BGIS 2024.
Scout said that usually, if a player does not perform well, organizations remove him from their roster. This is why clubs change their roster or recruit new players in their squad. He also believes that no content creators should be paid by organizations. Content creators earn through brand promotion, and they get paid as hard as they work. Organizations charge a certain amount from brands, he stated.
Furthermore, Scout mentioned that, on the other hand, the case for esports players is different; if players work hard and play well, they take their organization to higher levels.
That said, this is not the first time there has been a controversy over salaries between organizations and their players. Several organizations are currently focusing on the upcoming BGIS 2024, which will start on April 4 and boast a grand prize pool of ₹2 crore.