On May 7, 2023, BGMI esports pro Naman "Neyo" streamed the ongoing scrims live on his YouTube channel. During the broadcast, he requested fans to vote for his Team SouL teammate Harsh "Goblin" Paudwal, in the Mobile Esports Player category, at the Mobies Awards 2023. Neyo urged fans to imagine how much of an impact Goblin's win will have on the Indian esports scene.
According to him, it would be "next level." Imploring fans to vote for Goblin, Neyo said that if they have already voted from their personal ID, they should use other ones to help his teammate win.
Neyo said he was aware of the tough rules that might prevent Goblin from winning and asked fans to give their maximum votes.
His exact words (translated from Hindi):
"Imagine for once, if Goblin wins the award, it will be huge. It will be something next level. So, show your support and give your votes. If you have already voted from one ID, use your other IDs to vote. Rules are different and it is hard to win, but complete your own contribution and then hope for the best."
Neyo and Goblin are among the best young duos in the BGMI esports community and have a massive following.
BGMI pro Neyo highlights importance of Goblin's win at Mobies Awards 2023
On the same matter, the BGMI star pointed out the importance of Goblin's win, as he is the only Indian to be nominated in the category. He asked fans to pile up the votes, making it hard for the jury to adjudge anyone else the winner.
Neyo added (translated from Hindi):
"Let an Indian win. We have to help Goblin win. Guys, give your best and vote so much that it becomes hard for the jury to look beyond him in the category. Can't imagine how big of an achievement it would be if he manages to win. One Indian nominated, and he wins the award."
For those unaware, Goblin has been placed alongside the likes of Top (PUBG Mobile), Bennyqt (MLBB), Mohamed Light (Clash Royale), Moshi (Free Fire), and Tensai (Brawl Stars) in the Mobile Esports Player category at the Mobies Awards 2023.
Considering BGMI is still suspended in the Indian gaming market, it remains to be seen if Goblin can win the award.