Stalwart Esports, a popular Indian organization, has been disqualified from the ongoing BGIS 2023 The Grind due to breaking the rules. The team, featuring a girl roster, was seeded in Group 11 of the first round and played their three matches on July 28. They accumulated a total of 24 points, including 17 finishes, and ranked seventh in the overall standings.
On August 1, Krafton officially announced their disqualification from the BGMI tournament. They stated:
"KRAFTON firmly believes in responsible gaming and is dedicated to fostering fair gameplay. Unfair practices are not tolerated, and we adhere strictly to rules and regulations. We have observed that Team Stalwart Esports has violated fair play by violating 2.1.5 and 6.2.4 of the BGIS Rulebook. In consequence and in accordance to 6.4.2, Team Stalwart Esports has been hereby disqualified from BGIS 2023 THE GRIND."
The official ruling noted that the squad had been disqualified due to violating the 2.1.5 and 6.2.4 rules of the BGIS, which stands for Single Team Exclusivity and Ringing. The team, who will replace them in Round 2 of the BGIS the Grind, will be officially revealed soon.
Stalwart Esports releases official statement on their disqualification from BGIS The Grind
The organization announced had not revealed its BGMI roster officially. They said that their slot was transferred to Team Dynamic before the start of The Grind. Due to the short notice period, the firm could not rename the slot, so the squad played under the name of Stalwart Esports.
They said:
"We respect and stand by the decision of krafton for disqualifying this slot which was transferred to team Dynamic esports before the start of this event. Unfortunately, we couldn't rename the slot due to short notice and that's where we got caught up in this. We take full responsibility of our mistake and should've ensured proper changes to avoid such situation but we didn't."
A few players have also shared a video in which they accused the squad of hacking in the third and last match of Group 11, which was played on the Sanhok map. The squad struggled in the first two matches, but they played aggressively in their third match and collected 18 points, including 16 eliminations. Their unexpected performance in the third game helped them get a seat in the top eight and reach The Grind Round 2.
X7 Officials was the table toppers in Group 11 with 44 points, while Big Brother was ninth there and initially missed out on a spot in the next round. But following the disqualification of Stalwart Esports, the team has potentially qualified for Round 2.
August 3 marks the beginning of the BGIS The Grind Round 2, which will see the best 128 teams from the first phase. These squads will fight there for a seat in the third of the final round.