On April 17, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports manager and player Siddhant "Sid" Joshi organized a YouTube livestream where he responded to a fan who compared Jonathan's earnings to those of Mortal and Scout.
In his response to the viewer, Sid said he didn't know the exact figures of Jonathan's earnings. He added that regardless of their income, all the players he mentioned, as well as himself and the cook of S8UL, Harish Ji, will earn more than the fan ever will.
Timestamp: 3:12
Sid said (translated from Hindi):
"I don't know the figures. He might earn more than the likes of Mortal nand Scout or he might not. I don't know exactly. But at the end of the day, Jonathan, Scout, Mortal, myself, and even the cook Harish will earn a lot more than you ever will. I don't understand these comparisons. Stop making baseless comparisons."
Sid, Jonathan, Scout, and Mortal are renowned figures in the BGMI gaming community. Sid's statements have understandably created a lot of buzz among players.
Sid doesn't find any sense in comparing the earnings of BGMI stars like Jonathan, Mortal, and Scout
Speaking on the same matter, Sid explained how Jonathan would not care about a fan who spreads hate on the chat section of streams.
According to Sid, Jonathan will continue to earn more money and progress in life, and the same can be said about other BGMI stars like Mortal and Scout. He added that he couldn't find any sense in comparing the earnings of such stars.
Sid said (translated from Hindi):
"At the end of the day Johnny doesn't give a s**t about you. Neither he nor we want such fans. How you talk rubbish in my chat will not affect his life. He will not buy you a T-shirt worth a thousand bucks. He will not care. He will continue to progress in life. He will keep on earning money. Scout and MortaL will also continue to earn money. Comparison does not make any sense."
It remains to be seen if the BGMI players mentioned during Sid's livestream will react to his statements.