To commemorate the 75th Indian Independence day, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) had recently announced the Freedom Face-Off event. The event boasted a massive prize pool of ₹2,10,000. The event ended today after two matches with back-to-back action on Erangel and Sanhok.
Team Encore won the tournament with 37 points and 16 kills. They were awarded the winner's prize of ₹85,000. Following them in second place was Team Scout. They played well and secured 34 points and 18 kills. They claimed the second-place prize of ₹40,000. The third place in the tournament went to Team Jonathan, who secured 28 points with 15 frags. They received ₹25,000.
BGMI Freedom Face-Off overall standings
The first match of the day was played on Erangel and was won by Team Scout. The team, including professional players like Pukar and Ninja, easily secured this match with 15 kills. Team Kanika finished second in this encounter with 12 kills, while third place went to Team GodNixon, who secured two frags.
The second match was held in FPP mode and was played on Sanhok. Team Encore won the match with 11 frags. Team Jonathan also played brilliantly and secured second spot in this match from an impossible position. The team secured 11 kills. Team Hastar managed to secure third place in this match with seven finishes.
Team Scout, leading after the first match, failed to emulate the same performance in the second match, getting eliminated early and managing to secure only four points.
Team Shreeman Legend had an average run in the tournament as they were eliminated early in both matches and only managed to secure a single point. Team Dynamo and Team Kronten also played decently, securing 14 and 15 points, respectively. Winners of the Launch Party event Team Snax had an average run here and ended up at the 7th spot with 15 points.
Viewers enjoyed the match quite a lot as the broadcast witnessed a viewership of over 100k. The casters, too, made the event quite enjoyable with their flawless and hyped commentary. Fans and players will be waiting for more such events in the future.