Post the release of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), numerous third-party tournaments with handsome prize pools emerge every day. The Esports Club, one of India's leading third-party tournament organizers, has yet again come up with a BGMI tournament. The tournament dubbed the BGMI God Mode: Rise To Fame boasts a massive prize pool of INR 10,00,000. The contest is currently ongoing, with the online qualifiers having culminated on the 13th of October 2021.
The tournament features a total of 50 Invited teams, out of which 30 had been invited to the Online Qualifiers. These 30 teams were divided into three groups. After three matchdays, 18 teams (6 from each group) have qualified for the play-offs of the tournament.
Schedule and format of the BGMI God Mode play-offs
The play-offs will involve 38 teams (20 Invited + 18 Qualified from Online Qualifiers). These teams have been equally divided into two groups, A & B (19 teams per group). The teams will compete as per the following schedule.
Group A Matches (18th to 19th October 2021): The two matchdays will feature a total of 10 Matches with five matches each day. The top 6 teams from the leaderboard will qualify for the Grand-Finals.
Group B Matches (20th to 21st October 2021): Similar to the format of Group A, teams in Group B will play ten matches as well over two days; The top 6 teams from this group will qualify for the Grand-Finals.
Play-Ins (22nd October 2021): The 7th to 15th placed teams from both groups will compete in the play-ins in a single day. The top 6 teams out of the competing 18 teams will qualify for the finals.
Grand Finals (23rd to 24th October 2021): The 18 qualified teams (6 from each of the two groups and the play-ins) will compete in a total of 10 matches over two days to decide the winner. The winner will be awarded a total of INR 5,00,000, while the first and the second runner-ups will get INR 2,50,000 and 1,50,000, respectively.
BGMI God Mode play-offs teams
Group A:
- 1 Enigma Gaming
- 2 TSM
- 3 Team XO
- 4 OREsports
- 5 PV x IND
- 6 Marcos Gaming
- 7 Blind Official
- 8 Reckoning Esports
- 9 7Sea Esports
- 10 Galaxy Racer
- 11 Reaper X
- 12 Team iNSANE
- 13 BurnX Official
- 14 Aztecs Esports
- 15 Paws Official
- 16 Team Faceless
- 17 HEROES Official
- 18 MCYS
- 19 RetributionX
Group B:
- 1 8Bit
- 2 Hydra Official
- 3 Skylightz Gaming
- 4 Orangutan
- 5 GodLike Esports
- 6 Chemin Esports
- 7 Rivalry Esports
- 8 Team Tamilas
- 9 ForceOne x Legstump Esports
- 10 Revenant Esports
- 12 Team OBEY
- 13 Switch Esports
- 14 Element Esports
- 15 Rivalry NorthEast
- 16 Team Tenacity
- 17 True Rippers
- 18 UP50 Esports
- 19 ZOWN x 4King
The tournament will be live-streamed each match day on the official YouTube channel of The Esports Club in the Hindi language.