Popular Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) pro athlete and content creator Deepak "Sensei" Negi was livestreaming on his YouTube channel on October 6 when he discussed the game's possible return to the Indian market. According to him, although there is no reliable comeback date as of now, the game is expected to make its return in the weeks to come.
Since Sensei is a renowned individual and followed by many in the gaming community, his latest comments have created a buzz amongst fans of Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Sensei's remarks on BGMI's return leaves fans disheartened
During the 144-minute-long livestream, Sensei was seen playing Battlegrounds Mobile India (since the in-game servers are still functioning) alongside his friends from the gaming community. During the 10-minute mark, Sensei was asked by one of his fans to provide an update on the game's official return to the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Replying to the question, Sensei said that he could not provide an update on the game's return and further added that Krafton and the Indian government are keeping everything confidential. Hence, fans should refrain from believing any news on Battlegrounds Mobile India's early return.
He also said that if he receives any updates or information on the matter, he will drop hints for fans, while encouraging them to hope for the game's quick return to the country.
He went on to say:
There is no update regarding the game's return. Even if anyone is giving any updates on BGMI, I would suggest not relying on that news. There is no confirmed news. Everything is being kept confidential. If I get to know something, I will give you all some hints. Hope that it comes back soon.
Later, during the live stream, he talked about Team XO's latest recruit - Bitcoin. According to Sensei, the player is a well-known figure in the gaming community.
However, he added that the organization will reveal the player's name only after the game makes a comeback. He said that in the event of the game not returning, the player may not want to be announced as Team XO's athlete amidst the ongoing BGMI suspension.
Sensei's comments have disheartened many players and fans of the popular BR game who were hoping for its early return to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. There is still some hope, though, as Sensei did say the game will make its comeback.