On April 9, 2023, prominent Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) esports superstar and streamer Tanmay "Scout" Singh hosted a livestream on his LOCO channel where he played the BR title along with randoms and friends from the gaming community. During the broadcast, he replied to a teammate who asked him about the date of the game's unban.
Scout mentioned that he has no idea regarding the exact date of the title's unban. He mentioned that he is currently playing esports with the hope that it will come back soon and also stated that there is a chance that Battlegrounds Mobile India will make its return to the Indian market in April or May 2023.
Timestamp: 0:34
His exact words (translated from Hindi):
"I don't even know the exact date. It would have been great if I had known about it. I am only practicing with the hope that BGMI comes back soon. There is a positive chance of the game returning in April or May. Let's hope for the best."
Scout is a pioneer in the BGMI esports and gaming community, so it’s no surprise that the star athlete's comments have garnered a lot of attention from fans.
BGMI star Scout warns fans against believing in rumors regarding the game's unban
Scout mentioned that some people in the BGMI gaming community share rumors on the internet to gain clout. According to the star, these people think that sharing rumors will help them get attention from fans and lovers of the BR title for a considerable amount of time.
Scout then urged the random teammates not to believe any rumors online regarding BGMI's return, and he advised them to wait for Krafton to make an official statement regarding the same.
His exact statements (translated from Hindi):
"People share anything on the internet nowadays just for the sake of clout. They believe sharing the rumors will help them remain in the limelight for some time. Try to ignore them. As long as you don't hear any official announcement from Krafton, I tell you, do not believe in rumors."
Scout appears to be optimistic about Battlegrounds Mobile India's return to the Indian market in the near future, and he has been playing scrims for Team X Spark as well. However, the BR title remains suspended in the country due to government-imposed restrictions, and it remains to be seen when MeitY and Krafton India can come to a resolution.