Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) pro Raj "Snax" Varma recently opened up about his life's biggest dream. Responding to a fan's question on a live chat, he said:
"My biggest dream in life is to keep my parents happy. I want to live a luxurious life. I want to live a life where I have a decent flat with a balcony with a beautiful view, a bean bag, and a swing chair."
The streamer continued:
"I would love to sit on the balcony in a swing chair, wearing a tank top, and observe the view for the rest of my life while getting rent credited to my account (from the owned property). I want to keep my family happy and provide them with a luxurious life."
Snax was part of Team XO's BGMI roster in 2022 and is currently associated with S8UL Esports as a content creator.
He has been a consistent streamer for quite some time, often providing his fans with quality gaming content via his YouTube channel called Snax Gaming. During his livestream chats, many fans often bombard him with questions about his personal life.
BGMI star Snax expresses his desire to build a car collection someday
Snax also told his fans about his passion for cars and bikes. He revealed his desire to build a car collection one day while also talking about his love for riding bikes.
The YouTuber said:
"I am not crazy about accessories like sneakers and clothes, but I do fancy cars and would love to build a car collection. I also like riding bikes like Harley-Davidson and (Kawasaki) Ninja H2."
He added:
"So building a car collection, earning rent (from my property), and streaming while donning a tank top will collectively be a dream for me. Besides that, I will be happier if my family is happy."
"I have zero thoughts regarding the competitive": Snax Gaming about going pro in BGMI again
Last week, a fan asked Snax about his plans to join another Battlegrounds Mobile India team and leave S8UL if the Indian PUBG Mobile variant makes a comeback. The content creator revealed that he has "zero thoughts regarding the competitive" and will only consider returning to the scene after the game makes a comeback.
When asked whether he will leave S8UL to join another organization's Battlegrounds Mobile India lineup, Snax made it clear that he is not going anywhere. He claimed he "will be a part of S8UL for a lifetime," adding that he has already said the same to Thug.