Updates are introduced periodically in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) to keep players engaged and add new features. The 1.6 update is here, and it has brought in a series of interesting and exciting changes for players to enjoy.
As part of the patch, a new game mode will be included in the battle royale title, Flora Menace, one of the major attractions. It will consist of unique elements such as the Rejuvenation Barrier, Dynahex Supply, and Cell Matrix.
When will the BGMI 1.6 update be released for Android devices?
Schedule for the update to be released
Here is the distribution schedule for the latest BGMI 1.6 update on the Android platform:
Distribution time: 16 September from 2:30 PM IST (GMT +5:30) to 17 September until 3:30 PM IST (GMT +5:30).
Hence, during the timeframe mentioned above, the download for the BGMI 1.6 version will be made available to players on the Google Play Store. They can then go ahead and download the new patch. It is essential to note that the latest version may appear at a different time in the Play Store, depending on the players' device.
On the other hand, the BGMI 1.6 update will be rolled out for iOS devices on 17 September at 11:00 am IST (GMT +5:30).
Two Classic Crate Coupons will be given to the users as rewards for downloading the update. In addition, all players who watch the new update theme video will receive a Cell Matrix lobby background for 60 days.
Patch notes for the BGMI 1.6 update
Listed below are a few features that will make their way into the battle royale title:
- Flora Menace Mode
- Fatal Contamination event
- VS AI Mode
- Flight Route
- Transparent UI and other settings
- Vehicle - Balancing
- New weapons in Arena mode
- Changes in Training Grounds/Cheer Park
- Changes in Effects
- Mode comeback
Gamers can check out the detailed patch notes to know more about the features of the BGMI 1.6 update.
To stay updated about all the news related to the game, readers can check out the Battlegrounds Mobile India section on Sportskeeda.