On May 1, 2023, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) star Suraj "Neyoo" Majumdar held a livestream where he played the title alongside his GodLike Esports teammates. During the broadcast, he sarcastically replied to a fan asking him for tips on how to grow as an esports player.
Neyoo stated that in the present day, an aspiring esports player will need to stream snipe to grow. The YouTuber then asked his fans to stop asking him how to stream snipe before slyly remarking that they already know whom to get tips from.
Timestamp: 0:35
Neyoo said (translated from Hindi):
"In the present day, you have to stream snipe, else you will not grow. But don't ask for tips from me on how to stream snipe, you know what I mean and who to ask."
Neyooo is part of GodLike Esports and is followed by millions in the BGMI gaming community, so it makes sense that his recent comments have gone viral among fans.
Neyoo's stream sniping comments might be an indirect dig at popular BGMI player NinjaJOD
In the same livestream, Neyoo sarcastically highlighted how an emerging esports player must stream snipe their opponents to kill them easily in matches. He added that the tactic will enable them to know their enemies' names, making their task easier.
Neyoo said (translated from Hindi):
"If you want to be an esports player, stream snipe and kill your opponents. When you see an enemy, you should know their name. Imagine opening your scope to an enemy and you already know their name. Previously this wasn't the case, but it's different now. I have stopped believing esports players anymore. I don't want any more."
Neyoo's comments about stream sniping might be an indirect dig at popular BGMI player NinjaJOD.
Neyoo accused NinjaJOD of stream sniping in a recent livestream. This happened after NinjaJOD and his teammates from Team SoloMid dropped into Georgopol in-game and killed Neyoo and his fellow GodLike Esports members.
Despite many players participating in esports scrims and streaming BGMI, the game remains suspended in the Indian market. It remains to be seen when the developers of the title, Krafton Inc., can officially reinstate it on the country's digital storefronts (Google Play Store and App Store).