BGMI was launched in India last year as the country's own variant of PUBG Mobile. Following its release, the game's esports scene saw a huge boom as multiple prodigies came to the forefront fighting against veterans. Subham Ranjan "NinjaJOD" is one such young talent who has showcased great consistency in both official as well as unofficial Tier-1 tournaments.
His multiple MVP titles have led critics and pundits of the game to compare him with the best in the business. Apart from being a successful player, NinjaJOD is also a popular YouTuber who streams Battlegrounds Mobile India on a regular basis, helping his audience learn the nitty-gritty of the game.
Details and stats that fans should know about BGMI pro player and YouTuber NinjaJOD
NinjaJOD has been successful in creating a huge fanbase of his own. These fans search for his unique ID to send him friend requests, hoping to get an opportunity to play with the star. NinjaJOD's ID in the popular BR title is - 5142730488.
Fans can also send him in-game popularity gifts by searching for his in-game name (IGN) - TSMNinjaJOD. The letters 'TSM' in his name refer to the esports organization he represents - Team SoloMid.
Seasonal stats and rank
In the re-introduced Cycle 3 Season 7, NinjaJOD successfully posited himself in the Ace tier, collecting 4553 points. If he continues to play the title regularly, he could potentially reach the Conqueror tier by the end of the season.
NinjaJOD has already played 89 classic matches in the TPP Squad mode. Despite winning only 7 of those matches, he has helped his team make it to the top ten in 50 matches.
NinjaJOD has managed to deal a total of 140219.8 damage with an average damage of 1575.5. Furthermore, he has maintained a mammoth F/D ratio of 8.62 and has outclassed 767 enemies.
His stunning assaulting skills are evident in his headshot percentage of 18.5. On average, he survived 11.5 minutes with an accuracy percentage of 15.9.
NinjaJOD's best outing so far in the re-introduced Cycle 3 Season 7 is 33 finishes and 4539 damage dealt in a single match.
Note: NinjaJOD's stats were recorded at the time of writing and will change as the season progresses.
YouTube earnings
Apart from earning a decent monthly salary from TSM, NinjaJOD also runs the popular YouTube channel TSMFTXNiNJA, which currently has over 236K subscribers.
Based on the stats provided by Social Blade, Subham Ranjan has earned between $552 - $8.8K from his YouTube channel in the last 30 days. He has also accrued over 7.3K new subscribers during this period.
Note: Despite many popular streamers (including NinjaJOD) streaming BGMI regularly, Indian players are advised against playing the title since the government recently blocked the game.