Battlegrounds Mobile India's Early Access launched on June 17th, and it has put an end to the players' nine-month long wait for the game's comeback. There is no doubt that it has received a lot of attention, garnering more than 5 million downloads in the matter of just a couple of days.
One of the common errors that is prevalent among the players is ‘Server is busy. Error code: restrict area.’ This error is generally being encountered by players when they try to open Battlegrounds Mobile India, irrespective of the source of download.
This article provides users with an overview of the "Server is busy" error, with some possible solutions to overcome it.
How to solve the “Server is busy” error in Battlegrounds Mobile India
Many players have recently reported encountering this message. Here are some of the possible reasons for this error:
Incompatible device: One possible reason for facing this error is the use of incompatible devices to play Battlegrounds Mobile India. This includes the usage of emulators.
Players from outside India: Battlegrounds Mobile India is a game made exclusively for the Indian audience and, therefore, cannot be played by users from any other country. They will run into this error when they attempt to open the game.
Poor configured local network: Poor network can trouble the players with the server busy error too.
Here are some of the solutions to this error message:
If players are using an Android emulator to play Battlegrounds Mobile India, they should try switching to a compatible device, i.e. Android mobile devices, because the game doesn’t support the use of emulators.
Also, if the players have a poor network connection, they can consider switching to another stronger network.