In an unexpected turn of events, Team Soul, Entity, Numen, and Chemin have been eliminated from the BGMI Masters Series 2023. The two-day-long playoffs featured rigorous competition among 16 teams, spanning six intense matches. Ultimately, only the top 12 teams secured their place in the finals, leaving four prominent teams out of the running.
The major BGMI tournament, organized by Nodwin Gaming, is being held in Delhi. It began on August 24, with 24 teams vying for a gigantic prize pool of ₹2.1 crores. Eight teams, including the bottom four of the League Stage, have been knocked out of the race. The Grand Finals will now begin on August 25 with 16 teams.
Let's look at how the four teams were eliminated from the tournament.
Team Soul, Numen, Entity, and Chemin's performance in BGMI Masters Series 2023 playoffs
Fan favorites Team Soul, who struggled since the second week of the event, started the playoffs on a bad note and could only collect eight points on the first day. Despite putting up a valiant effort during the last two matches on the final day, they fell short of the qualification threshold by a single point. Interestingly, the team tied with Team XSpark, both amassing a total of 41 points.
However, the differentiating factor lay in the placement of points, wherein Team Soul fell behind, sealing their fate.
Numen Esports commenced the stage strongly with a promising 20-point match, only to experience a rapid decline, amassing a mere 10 additional points and ultimately finishing 14th with 30 points. The BGMI squad had an average preceding stage where they stood in 12th place. The recently formed roster will have to work on their synergy to come back strongly.
Under the leadership of Saumraj, Entity Gaming's tournament journey was marred by inconsistency. Starting with a lackluster launch week and an unfortunate exclusion from the first Super Weekend, the team sprung back during the second Super Weekend, clinching a commendable third place and securing their spot in the playoffs.
However, their playoff campaign unraveled disastrously, as they failed to exceed double-digit frags and concluded with a mere 21 points overall.
Chemin Esports, starting with a relatively inexperienced BGMI roster, faced several challenges. Despite a promising performance during the initial two weeks, their momentum waned thereafter. Their inability to qualify for the second super weekend and struggle to accumulate significant placement points was their Achilles' heel, ultimately hindering their progress.