BGMI was introduced to Indian mobile gamers last year during the Covid hiatus. However, within a short span of time, the game has broken records (in terms of popularity and downloads) and created a following of its own.
The developers bring in new updates at periodic intervals to keep players engaged. Following the success of the ongoing 1.9 update, Krafton is set to release the 2.0 update shortly.
The patch notes of the update indicate a lot of new features that will radically change the BR mode. However, amongst all these features, some are likely to create a greater impact on the players than others.
Features in the upcoming 2.0 update that BGMI players can look forward to
1) Official version of the Livik map
Livik was introduced in the game as the fifth classic mode map after Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, and Vikendi. However, the map was released in the beta version. After a long wait, players can finally get to play the official version of Livik.
Changes have been made to hot-drop locations like Midstein and Blomster. Lumber Yard has been upgraded to a new Logistics Center. Furthermore, a new area named Iceborg is set to be introduced.
2) Evangelion theme
BGMI players have seen the game collaborate with major brands in the past. In 2022, the game collaborated with Marvel's Spider-Man franchise, popular Japanese manga Jujutsu Kaisen, and automobile giants Lamborghini.
However, only the Spider-Man and Jujutsu Kaisen themes were introduced as modes in the game. The upcoming update in May will witness the game collaborate with Evangelion.
The Evangelion themed mode will be exclusively available on the map of Erangel. It will have a new blue zone mechanism for fast-paced gameplay. The character of EVA Unit 01 will be seen fighting the sixth angel, and players can collect resources from the resource hub.
3) Emergency pickup
Over time, the developers have introduced several features on the Classic mode maps that have changed the dynamics of the Battle Royale mode. In the upcoming 2.0 update, a new Emergency pickup feature is set to be introduced exclusively on the maps of Erangel and Miramar.
Players are required to find an Emergency pickup kit that they can use while staying in the blue zone to summon a pickup that will help them easily travel to the safe zone. They can drop by at a location according to their wish. However, they must remember that their HP will decrease as long as they are in the blue zone.
4) New vehicle - UTV
BGMI offers its players a range of vehicles to choose from for the purpose of transportation while playing the Classic mode. However, some vehicles are exclusively found on specific maps, like the Rony pickup truck (in Sanhok) and Mirado (in Miramar).
A new Utility Task vehicle (UTV) is set to be incorporated into the Livik map. The four-seater vehicle is compact and can easily move across all kinds of terrain. No matter how complex the roads are, the UTV can traverse the area smoothly.
5) Revamped Cheer Park
The ongoing 1.9 update in BGMI witnessed the introduction of an all-new Cheer Park. Dedicated shooting ranges and race tracks were added to add to the fun elements present in the game.
However, Krafton has decided to add more elements in the upcoming update for players who spend a lot of time in Cheer Park. A new soccer field has been added, where players can team up with randoms and play against an opposing team. Furthermore, a four-seater Wingman will also be available for BGMI players who wish to fly a copter.