Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) has now been officially released for Indian players. Yesterday, Krafton sneakily announced the game's release on its social media accounts. Players can now jump into the arena and play with their friends to earn different rewards and level up.
Battlegrounds Mobile India also has a title system where players can obtain different titles on completing certain things. These titles, when achieved, can then be equipped by players on their profiles. It makes the players stand out from the rest.
So, in this article, players will get to know about the top 5 rarest titles in BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India).
What are the rarest titles in Battlegrounds Mobile India?
1) Unique Destiny
Unique Destiny might be one of the rarest titles that players can acquire in Battlegrounds Mobile India. To win this title, players need to have 6000 achievement points. That is a lot of points. BGMI players will need to put in countless hours.
2) Mythic Fashion
This title is more about spending money than grinding the game or having skills in Battlegrounds Mobile India. To get it, players need to obtain 50 mythic clothes. This means that BGMI players will need to spend a lot of money to buy these mythic clothes. Also, these mythic clothes rarely become available in the game.
Also read: Data transfer from PUBG Mobile to BGMI to be stopped for a temporary period: All you need to know
3) Glass Cannon
The Glass Cannon title in Battlegrounds Mobile India requires players to have a lot of skill and game sense. To obtain this, players need to first be in the platinum tier or above. Then players need to win 50 solo classic matches without equipping any helmets, vests, or backpacks. This means that players need to manage their inventory smartly while also picking fights only where necessary.
4) Chicken Master
This title is both rare and hard to get in Battlegrounds Mobile India. First, players need to be in the Platinum tier or above to be eligible. Then, they will need to win ten classic solo matches in ten distinct ways using ARs, SMGs, shotguns, grenades, etc., to achieve the Chicken Master title.
It can be painstakingly difficult and requires skill, expertise, awareness and commitment.
5) On a mission
The last title on this list is On a Mission. To get this title, BGMI players need to have all the other Weapon Mastery titles in PUBG Mobile, like Pistol mastery, Melee Mastery, etc. This demands ridiculous amounts of time as well as dedication to the game. Players will need to become experts in all the weapons available in Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Also read: Kronten highlights growing problem of cheaters in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)