BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India) was launched in India recently, and with it, Krafton has decided to roll out its first official tournament. Scheduled to take place on the 8th and 9th of July, the event will see 18 teams competing to win the title. To celebrate the arrival of BGMI, the Launch Party will have some of the most notable streamers and professional players playing the event.
It should be a fascinating and highly competitive event for the audience. While all the teams are evenly matched, some have a slight edge over the others in terms of experience in competitive gaming and Esports.
Watch out for these five teams at the BGMI Launch Party
1) Team Jonathan
According to analysts and fans, Team Jonathan will start as favorites in the tournament. Jonathan, a supremely skilled professional BGMI player, will compete in the event with his well-oiled competitive lineup. The roster will feature Clutchgod, Zgod, Neyoo, Topdawg, and Jonathan himself.
The fragging-heavy squad is touted as the team to beat at the BGMI Launch Party. The roster has been in fine touch in scrims and tournaments. It will be tough for other teams to get past them on the leaderboards.
Jonathan and his team won the previous edition of the PUBG Mobile Streamers Showdown.
"I'm backing Jonathan to become the top fragger of the tournament. - 420 Gaming said in his livestream."
2) Team Mortal
After so much hype and curiosity around Soul's Esports lineup, the organization announced its five-person roster a day before the BGMI Launch Party. Team Mortal will feature Scout, Mavi, Mortal, Viper, and Regaltos.
The highlight of the event is the news of Mortal making a comeback to the competitive arena. This is the first time fans will see these players playing together in an official tournament. These members will also be playing all upcoming tourneys under the Soul Esports banner.
It will be interesting to follow Team Mortal's new strategy, with not many competitive BGMI games under their belt as a unit. Fans expected to turn up in big numbers for this crowd's favorite team will want to see a good outing from this experienced lineup.
3) Team Kronten
Although Kronten is a full-time content creator, fans might be surprised by his game sense and skill. Kronten holds the reputation of clutching 1v4s against RRQ, Fnatic, and many other professional tier one team.
Smokie, Rayed, and Spower, who were recently released from GodLike Esports BGMI competitive roster, will join forces with Kronten to dominate the Pochinki battlefield for the very last time.
4) Team Ghatak
Team Ghatak will see Sensei, Immortal, Punkk, and Clowny competing to clinch the throne in the debut edition of BGMI streamer's battle. Ghatak, who has played several international tournaments, is considered one of the best in-game-leader (IGL) in the community. He will be rearing the opportunity to lead this exciting roster of Mayhem Esports.
Team Ghatak has enough firepower to propel them to a top-five finish in the rankings and is also one of the strong contenders to claim the championship title.
5) Team Clash Universe
Clash Universe will be eyeing the use of his famous tips and tricks to outwit his opponents and inspire his team to emerge as champions. The team will feature a four-person roster of Orange Rock Esports- Vexe, Gill, Aditya, and Destro.
The duo of Aditya and Vexe will be interesting to follow at the BGMI Launch Party. They are in top form and can end up as the top fragger in the tournament.
However, before the larger war, this squad will have to overcome mini battles against Team Mortal, who might contest Water City in Erangle.
Also read: Top 3 emerging BGMI esports players in India
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Note: This article reflects the author's views.
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