BGMI streamer and mentor Animesh's "8bit Thug" Agarwal was recently live streaming the game on his popular YouTube channel. During the 114-minute live stream and playing the game, he discussed several topics but stressed negating rumors about Goblin, Scout, and Mavi prevailing in the gaming community.
Thug is an ex-professional PUBG Mobile player. He is currently the owner of 8bit and S8UL and manages the content creation agency - 8bit Creatives. Being the owner, his words are considered an official statement is coming from the organization.
With many fans in the Indian gaming community closely following Thug, his comments have created a buzz.
8bit Thug dismisses rumors about BGMI pros Goblin, Scout, and Mavi
During the first few minutes of his latest livestream, Thug cleared out the rumors regarding BGMI players Goblin, Scout, and Mavi, stating that there is no problem in Team Soul or Team X Spark and none of the players are leaving.
Initially, he talked about Goblin, mentioning that neither his story nor Omega's story had anything to do with Team Soul. He dismissed all the rumors, showing his chat with Omega, where it was clear that everything was alright with the team.
Omega's story was posted on his Instagram account due to personal reasons. He assured us that Goblin was not leaving the team. Omega's story read:
"I hate Two Faced people and It's even worse when they are supposed to be your family. Be careful my friend."
He then went on to talk about BGMI superstars like Scout and Mavi, who were rumored to be leaving Team X Spark to join Fnatic. Thug mentioned that the rumors were utterly baseless and Mavi and Scout are not going anywhere. He also wondered how and why people were assuming such absurd news.
Thug assured the fans that if the superstars had to leave the organization, they would have been informed beforehand, which did not happen this time around and therefore, they will continue playing for Team X Spark.
His exact words regarding the matter were:
"I don't know where the rumor stems from that Scout and Mavi are going to join Fnatic. If they had to leave, either they or us would have informed you all. There is nothing like that."
Later on in the stream even called Mavi to confirm that neither him nor Scout are leaving S8UL or Team X Spark.