The recent unban of Battlegrounds Mobile India, commonly referred to as BGMI, has brought a lot of content in the form of in-game purchases for you to enjoy. The in-game shop has been filled with cosmetics, be it a new shiny X-Suit or attractive outfits in premium crates. It is not just the outfit section that received new skins. The weapons also saw a fair share of gorgeous cosmetics, one of them being the attachment skins for the Glacier M416.
Previously, the beautiful iced-out finish of the Glacier M416 in BGMI would be ruined as soon as you put any attachment on it. Usually, attachments are black, making the gun look ugly.
With the release of the skins for attachments, most gun skins have a more finished appearance. However, buying all of the attachment skins would be too expensive, and in this article, you will learn which attachment skin will give you the best value for your money.
What are the new attachment skins for the Glacier M416 in BGMI?
There are a total of 15 skins that were added to BGMI for the attachments of the Glacier M416. They are as follows:
Muzzle: There are three muzzle attachment finishes. You can buy the following:
- Flash Hider attachment finish for 300 Unknown Currency (UC)
- Compensator attachment finish for 600 UC
- Suppressor attachment finish for 1500 UC
Sight: There are five sight attachment finishes. You can buy the following:
- 4x Scope attachment finish for 2000 UC
- 3x Scope attachment finish for 600 UC
- 2x Scope attachment finish for 600 UC
- Holographic Sight attachment finish for 1200 UC
- Red Dot Sight attachment finish for 1200 UC
Magazine: There are three magazine attachment finishes. You can buy the following:
- Extended magazine attachment finish for 600 UC
- Quickdraw magazine attachment finish for 300 UC
- Extended Quickdraw magazine attachment finish for 1500 UC
Foregrip: There are three foregrip attachment finishes. You can buy the following:
- Angled Foregrip attachment finish for 300 UC
- Thumb Grip attachment finish for 600 UC
- Vertical Foregrip attachment finish for 900 UC
Stock: You can buy the tactical stock attachment finish for 1500 UC.
Which attachment skins for the Glacier M416 are worth buying in BGMI?
At the end of the day, the attachments you use on your M416 while playing are based on your preference. There is no strict rule in BGMI when it comes to the best attachments for your weapon. Some prefer a 3x scope, while others prefer a 4.
Listed below are what we feel will give you the most value for the money that you spend on these skins:
- The Red Dot Sight is a versatile scope you can use on your gun in BGMI. So, it would be best if you considered buying this attachment skin.
- The compensator is the best muzzle for your gun in BGMI. However, it does not make much of a visual difference. You may or may not buy it. You should avoid purchasing the suppressor, as it reduces the performance of the M416 by increasing the bullet spread.
- The long-range scope is a very personal choice. If you like to use the 3x scope, you should buy that. However, consider buying that if you are more fond of the 4x. There is no use in purchasing both, as you cannot use them simultaneously.
- Buying the skin for the tactical stock is a must for the Glacier M416 in BGMI, as it makes the most difference visually. Also, you will have it on your gun at all times.
- In the case of magazines, the Extended Quickdraw skin is the only one you should buy for the Glacier M416 in BGMI. The Quickdraw does not hold enough bullets, and the Extended magazine takes too long to reload. Thus, the Extended Quickdraw is the best option.
- When it comes to grips, it is a very personal choice. You should buy the one that suits your play style the most. However, if you prefer using the half grip, you can choose not to buy any of the skins for grips.