As per Krafton’s latest announcement, Battleground Mobile India (BGMI) will return to India very soon. With a much-anticipated announcement on May 19, 2023, Krafton recently broke the news to players. However, players should note that this does not mean the complete unbanning of the battle royale title. Per the latest news, this BGMI unban will happen through a three-month trial approval.
The Government of India wants to ensure that the developers have made all necessary changes to abide by its laws. Government officials will assess the game against different standards over the next three months before approving the game's permanent unban.
What are these standards, and why is BGMI getting unbanned for a three-month trial? This article will discuss everything you need to know about Battlegrounds Mobile India before its return to the Indian market.
BGMI unban: Why is there a three-month trial period? What does it mean?
After the first wave of Chinese app bans in India for security reasons, Krafton created Battleground Mobile India for the vast fanbase of the battle royale genre in the country. Despite being a huge success, this alternative to PUBG Mobile was banned again in July 2022.
After its 10-month ban, Krafton posted on their social media accounts this Friday (May 19, 2023), asking Indian gamers to turn their notifications on. This post indicated the return of BGMI to the Indian market.
An official statement from Krafton showed it expressing gratitude to the Indian government and its officials for the three-month BGMI unban. As per current news, the Government of India will monitor the game closely over the next three months before declaring its permanent status. The game server has been down since Friday. Has it come back online? Find out here.
Krafton’s Battlegrounds Mobile India was banned last time in the country for security reasons. Union Minister of State Rajeev Chandrasekhar said the three-month trial approval of the battle royale title happened after it complied with data security issues and server locations.
However, the government will closely monitor the game in the next three months for other issues like addiction or user harm before making a final decision. Find out more about it here.
Krafton has yet to release the exact date of the relaunch of Battlegrounds Mobile India but has confirmed the game’s availability on Android and iOS platforms, exciting the mobile gaming community in the country.
The esports industry and athletes are eagerly awaiting the game’s return to the Indian market. In the meantime, check out this article to improve your chances of winning after the game's unbanning.