Battlegrounds Mobile India, popularly known as BGMI, served as a perfect replacement for PUBG Mobile after the latter was banned in the country. However, PUBG Mobile's Indian variant suffered a setback when Google and Apple removed it from their India-specific virtual application stores to comply with the government's ban order.
Despite significant developments and parallels between BGMI, PUBG Mobile, and Free Fire's cases, fans are still hopeful of Battlegrounds Mobile India's return. The game's servers are still online, even more than two months after it disappeared from the Play Store and the App Store on July 28. However, BGMI hasn't received the much-anticipated 2.2 patch like its global counterpart.
Thus, the 2.2 update's unavailability has worried many players, who were expecting an in-game update instead of the one rolled out via the application stores. Krafton neither released the patch nor did they make any announcement regarding the launch.
Chances of BGMI 2.2 update APK's release seem bleak as Krafton keeps mum over game's comeback
Despite many hoping that Battlegrounds Mobile India will receive a synchronized update like PUBG Mobile after July 2022, there hasn't been any new addition in terms of content. The potential reason is the discontinuation of Google Play or the App Store authentication after the removal.
Thus, without the game's availability on either store, Krafton skipped the 2.2 version update. Moreover, due to this very reason, the developers have also suspended in-game UC purchases, while RP (Royale Pass) section is also locked since September 2022.
Hence, it is safe to say Battlegrounds Mobile India doesn't stand a chance of receiving any updates unless it makes a return to the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Therefore, gamers might never be able to get version 2.2 content in BGMI, as the game is not going to make a return anytime soon.
By the time Battlegrounds Mobile India does come back in Google and Apple's virtual application stores, there is an excellent chance that the 2.2 patch will become outdated. Hence, if players are already bored of Battlegrounds Mobile India, they can explore some alternatives in the Play Store.
Here are some of the suggestions that BGMI users might want to try out:
- New State Mobile (Formerly known as PUBG New State)
- Call of Duty Mobile (COD Mobile)
- Apex Legends Mobile
- Garena Free Fire MAX
Players must note that New State Mobile offers the closest in-game experience to BGMI. However, Activision's COD Warzone Mobile is coming out next year, so they can also keep an eye on its launch for a top-notch Battle Royale experience.
Beware of fake download links
Users will come across several download links for the Battlegrounds Mobile India 2.2 update. However, it is evident that all download links are fake and must be avoided.
When will BGMI make a comeback?
As of this writing, there is no update regarding Battlegrounds Mobile India's return. Moreover, some popular esports influencers' statements have hinted at a delayed yet inevitable comeback.
GodLike Esports' athlete, Ghatak, felt that the game will be released again but refrained from commenting on the return date. Here's what the popular streamer and esports personality said during a recent livestream:
"Just take a chill pill, man. Do not worry; the game will return. You guys will become happy after the game's return, so chill. It will take time, so I will not comment on that."
Meanwhile, Spero, a famous caster, commented on the game being blocked instead of being banned. Hence, according to him, Battlegrounds Mobile India will return after December. Here's what he was quoted saying:
"The talks around the game's return are going as many expect the comeback to happen after December. I am also on that boat. I think BGMI isn't going to return before December."
As a precautionary measure, players should wait for Krafton to release any official update regarding BGMI's unban date and not give into speculation.