Within a year of its release in the Indian market, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) became the driving force behind the rise of Esports and gaming in the country. Both the online as well as the LAN tournament mode had a huge number of live watching. This enabled youngsters to emerge on to the scene and gradually become household names in the Indian gaming community.
Abhishek "ZGod" Choudhary joined GodLike Esports along with the likes of Jonathan, Clutchgod, and Neyoo. Together, they won several third-party tournaments and even featured in the PMGC 2021.
Today, ZGod is posited as one of the finest support players in India. However, his assaulting prowess helps him stand out from the rest. He is a popular streamer who livestreams the BR title on his YouTube and Rooter channels. His interactive sessions help his audience learn more about the game.
Details about BGMI pro player and streamer ZGod that fans should learn about
Fans looking for ZGod's BGMI ID can use this code — 5153118886 or his IGN, GODLzgod (GODL stands for GodLike Esports), to find his profile.
Zgod is the leader of the OnlyPans clan in Battlegrounds Mobile India. Fans can send in-game requests to join his clan and play alongside him.
Seasonal stats and rank
ZGod is currently ranked Crown V in the ongoing (and re-introduced) Cycle 3 Season 7, accumulating 3779 points. He is expected to reach the Ace Master tier (where he finished in the last season) in the next few days.
The content creator has participated in 44 classic matches in the TPP Squad mode. However, he has only obtained a chicken dinner in only two matchups (with a paltry win rate of 4.5%) and has helped his team reach the top 10 in 21 matches.
ZGod has dealt a total damage of 56190.5 and an average damage of 1277.1. He has also managed to maintain an F/D ratio of 6.80 and has outplayed 299 enemies. His remarkable assaulting skills are highlighted in his headshot percentage of 21.7 with 65 headshots.
In the re-introduced Cycle 3 Season 7, Zgod's best outing came in a match where he gathered 27 finishes, with 4178 damage dealt in the process.
Note: ZGod's Battlegrounds Mobile India stats were collected at the time of writing and might change as the season progresses.
YouTube earnings
ZGod is a contracted player for GodLike Esports and earns a hefty monthly salary from the crowd-favorite organization. However, he also owns a popular YouTube channel with more than 454k subscribers. To date, the rank pusher has uploaded 84 BGMI gameplay videos and lifestyle vlogs to his channel.
Based on the stats provided by Social Blade, ZGod has generated $122 - $2K from his YouTube channel in the last 30 days. He has also garnered over 4.8 lakh video views during the same period. However, these stats will improve further once he returns to regular livestreaming.
Note: Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was blocked by MeitY of the Indian government following the laws under Section 69A of the IT Act, 2000. Hence, players across the country are urged not to play the BR game.