India’s lone representative in the semifinals of the AIBA Worlds in Qatar created a memory in his last fight at the event. The Assamese boxer showed true grit in his loss to Uzbeki fighter Murodjon Akhmadaliev. The loss means that Thapa will have to battle for an Olympic berth in a different event, but he will receive a bronze medal.
Thapa’s opponent was a familiar face, as he Murodjon had defeated Thapa in the semifinal of the ASBC Asian Confederation Boxing Championships earlier this year. That was en route to a silver medal. The first round began with the taller, rangier Indian effectively using his reach and picking his shots against the powerful Uzbek. But Thapa switched to plan B soon, planting his legs and matching his rival blow for heavy blow. Akhmadaliev was tenacious at the end of the round as he never stopped punching. Inaccuracy aside, the judges awarded him the round.
Thapa decided to abandon what many would have thought would be his primary strategy of using his reach and fought fire with fire. Akhmadaliev was relentless and Thapa capitalised on his incautious brawling with heavy counter punches. But the Uzbek’s pitbull-like style was enough to win him the blockbuster second round as well.
Thapa knew that he’d have to knock out Akhmadaliev in the third and every punch he threw conveyed that message. Neither fighter took a step back and the sight conjured images of wild beasts trying to maul each other. Thapa’s punches certainly left an impression on his opponent, but Akhmadaliev’s pressure and aggression paid off as he won the fight 3:0.
It may not have ended the way many of us wanted to, but Thapa and Akhmadaliev produced one of the most exciting matches in AIBA’s, if not boxing’s history. Thapa is supported by the Anglian Medal Hunt.