The Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF) on Sunday extended financial assistance of rupees 1 lakh to the family of Manisha Chauhan, a 20 year old boxer from Mumbai, who got injured during a training session on 2nd October, 2012. Chauhan, suffered a head injury after receiving a blow to the head while practicing with a senior. She was rushed to Nair Hospital, where she underwent a brain surgery.
IABF President Mr Abhishek Matoria said it was unfortunate for the young boxer and her family to undergo such a trauma and extended his best wishes for her swift recovery. He stated, “Our prayers are with Manisha and her family, we hope she responds well to the medical treatment and gets back on her feet as soon as possible. We have also requested Maharashtra State Boxing Association to keep a close eye on her and update us with her progress.” He further added, “The popularity of sport is fast increasing, but we have to remember that boxing is a contact sport and it is imperative to always take the necessary precautions and also be aware of your physical condition and capabilities”.
Expressing his concern over the matter, IABF, Secretary General Mr Rajesh Bhandari stated, “It is indeed an unfortunate event and we all in the boxing fraternity wish for Manisha to regain her full health as soon as possible. We hope this gesture from IABF helps the family and provides a bit of financial relief”. Further reiterating the importance of safety measures Mr Bhandari in an appeal to budding boxers and coaches pointed out, “Sports is a demanding profession and there is no substitute to the use of appropriate safety equipment and regulations while training or during competition”. Further elaborating on the matter he mentioned, “Young boxers constantly need to be educated about the importance of this issue. We also need to realize that boxing as a sport is rapidly gaining popularity in the country and there is a serious need to increase the number of coaches and educators of the sport”.
Maharashtra State Boxing Association (MBA) has also announced a sum of rupees fifty thousand rupees to be given to the injured boxer’s family. In an update on Manisha’s health condition, Secretary General MBA, Mr. Jitendra Tawde said the boxer is out of coma now and has been shifted to the general ward.