The International boxing authority, AIBA, has come down hard on Indian boxers by barring them from taking part in any international event. This comes as a follow up to the impasse surrounding the Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF).
The decision of AIBA has been made on the basis that both the Indian Olympic Association and the IABF being suspended, the AIBA cannot allow any of the Indian boxers to participate in any event. The two Indian authorities are responsible for sending entries of athletes for the events.
When asked by the Sports Authority of India about who would be in charge of sending the entries for the various events, AIBA officials replied in a letter, “Indian boxers will not be able to participate in any of the events organized by the world body or recognized by it for the time being.”
Earlier, the IABF was suspended on grounds of “possible manipulations” in the elections held in September, last year. An IABF official said, “We have amended the constitution as per AIBA’s directions. But we are unable to communicate with them. Only the ministry can help us.”
At first , the athletes were allowed to participate in two events, including the World Youth Championships. Then, a clarification came stating that the players could attend the event but with no officials. AIBA did allow the Sports Authority of India to send entries of players for a junior event in Serbia, before it closed down all other options.