Four people were arrested on Tuesday in Delhi after Hemlata Gupta, one of the members of the coaching staff for the 2014 Asian Games Gold medalist Mary Kom, filed a FIR against the employees of a restaurant in the city for alleged assault.
Gupta lost her mobile phone while attending a family dinner at Ambrai restaurant in Udaipur. When she went back to inquire about the phone, the staff at the restaurant allegedly beat up Hemlata and her husband Anoop Gupta. The 30-year-old was also accompanied by her mother-in-law and father-in-law for the dinner.
Assistant sub-inspector Ram Lal Gurjar, confirmed the news about four people, including the manager of the outlet being arrested on Tuesday. The police are conducting further investigation into the matter.
The police also confirmed that the mobile phone had been recovered on Monday night and the device was found in the compound of the restaurant.
Gupta’s husband, Anoop, told reporters that the issue took a different turn when he threatened to inform the police about the missing gadget. Around 40 people, including the members of the restaurant staff and drivers, assaulted them, he alleged.