The formidable duo of Nikhil Nandal and Ronit Tokas pictured their skills at the prestigious fifth Junior Boys National Boxing Championships. They began their respective campaigns in the tournament with excellency in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh as they brought up impressive wins on the opening day.
In the 50kg category, Chandigarh's Nikhil was engaged in a hard-fought battle versus Bihar's Roshan Kumar. Both parties portrayed intensification determination throughout the match, however, the agility of Nikhil and his attacking strategies turned out fruitful for him as he earned a well-deserved dominance over Kumar by a scoreline of 4-1.
Furthermore, Delhi's Ronit also proved his mettle during the first day of the championships. He had a relatively straight bout in the 66kg category as he encountered Anantha Krishna who was hailing from Kerala. While dominating the ring, Ronit's strength was visible as the referee had to intervene and stop the match while giving a verdict RSC in the first round.
Haryana's pugilists, Dhruv and Aman Dass Ahlawat also emerged triumphant in their opening matches in the 52kg and 63kg categories respectively. Dhruv portrayed professionalism and overcame Ravi Gond from Uttar Pradesh. He secured a 4-1 victory over the rival whereas Aman made waves against Rang I Man Lamin from Meghalaya.
In their second-round bout fight, the referee had to give a 'referee stop the match' (RSC) verdict as Aman's prowess wholly dominated his Meghalaya opponent.
Arman of Chandigarh bagged a one-sided win in the 5th Junior Boys National Boxing Championships
Arman hailing from Chandigarh also proved his brilliance in the 57kg category while monopolizing the ring at the fifth Junior Boys National Boxing Championships. He claimed a one-sided and extremely comfortable win over Reewash Rai from Sikkim.
On the other hand, Harshjot Singh from Punjab proved his mettle in the 75kg category. Showcasing his attacking supremacy versus S. Devsaran from Tamil Nadu, he clutched a victory with the RSC method in the second round. Notably, the third victory of the day at the fifth Junior Boys National Boxing Championships occurred due to RSC.
It is safe to say that young Indian athletes have put a solid foundation on the opening day of the fifth Junior Boys National Boxing Championships. They strive to carry on these tremendous showcases as the tournament progresses.