Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha has expressed her desire to portray sportspersons in upcoming films as she claims that would suit her personality the best. She plays a small role as a boxer in the upcoming film ‘Holiday: A Soldier is Never Off Duty’.
Sonakshi is known for her fashionable looks and has also studied fashion designing but insists that she woud love to play a sports personality.
“I was interested in it immediately because I played sports in school and college. Personality wise, the role is closest to me as possible. It was like being myself on screen and doing what I love to do. I would love to do a film in the future where I can explore this facet a little bit more where I can play sports probably longer," Sonakshi recently said.
For her role in the movie, where she plays a boxer, she admits to have taken training from Olympic bronze medallist Vijender Singh and co-star Akshay Kumar. She said, “Yes, I did (take training) but I've always been a sportsperson. The basic body language has always been there. I play a lot of sports like tennis, basketball and volleyball but boxing is something that I've never done before and I needed help on it. He (the director) didn't want me to look girly or stylised or fake. Akshay showed me a little bit about boxing and made me meet boxer Vijender Singh who told me about the body language of a boxer and that helped in making it more convincing on the screen.”
Although she is yet to play a sportsperson for a whole movie, she was thrilled about the small part where she gets to portray a boxer in the upcoming movie with Akshay Kumar. “Akshay has worked with me before and he knew I am into sports. We've played sports on many of our film sets. He knew that I would be capable of pulling off the character and would be able to do what the role requires me to do physically,” she added.