Advantages of interval training
1. More work can be achieved in a shorter period of time.2. Programs can be designed to fit each athlete’s individual needs and stress levels.3. The Program develops both the cardiovascular system and muscle strength4. The coach has full visual and physical control of every workout and can make adjustments as required.
Interval training involves:
1. The distance covered or the training segment2. The speed or time of each3. The number of repetitions4. The duration of the recovery
Things to remember
1. Each athlete is physically different. What is good for one may not be good for another.2. Each athlete’s schedule should be developed around his individual abilities3. Try to keep the workout smooth and comfortable. Remember, the athlete is training, not racing4. The goal is to increase the athlete’s fitness without losing interest in the workout. Keep the fun in this program5. Keep the level of the workout at the pace or slightly quicker than the endurance lever required to complete the competition time.6. During the workout, the athlete should:a. Keep energy level highb. Maintain high interest levelc. Avoided overdoing the workout, getting injured or becoming nauseousd. Set reachable goals and maintain those levels when they have been reached7. The result of proper interval training will not only be physical, but with fitness will come a good competitive attitude and confidence.8. The mental toughness developed cannot be equalled. The combination of the toughness, combined with the athlete’s skills, will produce champions.
Strength and conditioning
Full body strength and conditioning work is vital for the modern boxer – this includes training all aspects and areas such as; lower body strength and power important for improving punch power and supporting stronger legs for running; upper body to add robustness to the boxer to absorb shots, improve inside work. In terms of putting muscle on, it is a very hard process and therefore the historical thinking that you ‘get big’ by doing weights is flawed; keeping the reps low (below 6 reps) on heavy strength work will help to reinforce this. For core strength it’s not just about crunches – the core muscles need added weight to become stronger…just as any muscles do.
Conditioning and work rate are huge in the new style boxing especially WSB (WORLD SERIES BOXING ) and APB ( AIBA PRO BOXING ); improve this by doing different circuits that involve the boxer having to repeat high intensity efforts, not just with bodyweight but with decent weighted movements.
Finding ways to try and prevent injuries is key – a boxer can only use his talent if he is fit and healthy.
Overall strength and conditioning is aimed at creating an all round more complete athlete that the coaches can develop into a better boxer.