A minor altercation occurred between Vijender Singh and his fifth pro-boxing opponent Matiouze Royer, during their official weigh in today. The Indian puglilish assured the spectators of a knock-out, whereas the Frenchman was called him a “new kid on the block.”
“He's a young kid and I know he is intimidated of me, it was clearly written in his eyes. It's time to put him in his place. He might have won his first four, but he will not win this one,” said Royer.
Both middleweight boxers weighed in at 11 stone and 13 lbs, with the duo looking fitter than ever. Royer added, “There is no way this newbie can defeat me, once I begin my onslaught and start landing my punches, he is going to have a tough time.”
Vijender has won all his previous four matches, via technical knockouts. A scuffle broke out between the two as the match officials were forced to intervene. They pulled them away with Vijender refusing to comment about his opponent.
Compared to Vijender, Royer is an experienced campaigner having fought 44 matches in an eight year career. He has won three of his 14 matches via technical knockouts.
Earlier, Vijender had said that he didn't believe in pre-match banter. He said, “ I always let my boxing do the talking.” It seems he stood firm to his beliefs this time around as well.