India’s Vikas Krishan Yadav clinched the silver medal in the 75kg middleweight category of the Asian Boxing Championships after losing to Bektimer Melikuziev of Uzbekistan 2:0 in the gold medal match at Bangkok on Saturday.
The opening game proved to be a tight contest and it ended with a tie with both boxers finishing at 28:28 apiece. In the second bout, The Uzbekistan boxer started to gain control of proceedings 30:26. In the final round, Melikuziev clinched the bout 10:9 to win the bout in his favour.
What could have also gone in the Uzbekistan boxer’s favour was the sole foul committed by Vikas. The 23-year-old boxer had stormed into the final of the Championships after beating Waheed Abdulridha of Iran 3:0 on Friday.