The boy from Haryana, born into a joint family, Deepak Kumar Bhoria had to overcome many obstacles in his life to achieve what he has today. From a humble abode, Kumar focused on his goal to become one of the best pugilists in India in modern times.
At first, all of his attention was to support his family from the difficulties of life including the financial pressure. There was no sign of Boxing in his plans for the future in early life and with no sporting history, one couldn’t even believe how long he has come.
Given his everyday struggles, Deepak had no focus on Boxing. The realization came at the age of 15 when he started to take discipline a little more seriously. He enrolled in Universal Boxing Academy in Hisar at the age of 11.
But it took him 45 years to consider Boxing a major part of his life. He trained under Coach Rajesh Sheoran at Rajgarh Road-based academy. The 25-year-old proved his worth through consistent performances, but Rajesh was disappointed to see him leave with pain in his body every day. Deepak was not consuming a proper diet due to a lack of financial resources.
Coach Rajesh Sheora had only two choices: either he could permanently let him go or arrange a diet for him. He chose to take special care in Deepak's diet and also waived his fee. Time would prove his decision right for this young generation.
Deepak displayed his talent at Inter Services Championship 2016, where National Coach was impressed with his performance. He helped him join Army Sports Institute in Pune. He won the Senior National title in 2018. He defeated the Olympic Champion at the Strandja Memorial tournament, which brought him into the spotlight.
Deepak defeated the World Champion Shakhobiddin Zoirov of Uzbekistan in the 72nd Strandja Memorial Boxing Tournament. Interestingly, Zoirov clinched the Gold medal in the Rio Olympics. His domestic record has also been amazing. Due to his association with Army as a Naib Subedar, he has great support in his respective sport.
He also won a Silver medal at Asian Championship and displayed some notable performances at Makran Cup, Thailand Cup, and World Military Games. Despite having competition in the form of Amit Panghal, Kumar has been phenomenal and has grabbed every opportunity thrown at him to shut the critics up.
Attributes of Deepak Bhoria
Deepak is technically gifted and a skilful boxer. He fights with great control and defeats his opponent with his extraordinary technique. He has always come back up defying the odds. Whenever he has been tested, Deepak has shown courage and bravery to achieve whatever he desires.
He came back from a career-threatening fracture in his right hand. During his rehabilitation, he worked on strengthening his hand, which eventually became a strong aspect of his boxing technique. This shows us how determined he has been since his return.