Mumbai Fighters, the only Indian team for the upcoming World Series of Boxing (WSB) is excited with the country’s star boxer Akhil Kumar joining the squad. With less than a month to go for one of the sporting world’s only transcontinental leagues, the camp ofMumbai Fighters is all charged up and excited to have Akhil on its side.
Akhil Kumar is India’s iconic boxer in the true sense. With several international and national medals and awards in boxing, Akhil has made Indians proud on most of the occasions while representing India. His “open guarded” boxing style and a winner’s attitude has won him the heart of the whole nation. A 2005 Arjuna awardee, Akhil’s biggest achievement was his Bantamweight (54 kg) gold at 2006 Commonwealth Games.
Udit Sheth, Team Principal of Mumbai Fighters and MD-CEO of TransStadia said,
“We are excited to have Akhil Kumar as a Fighter. He is a strong and experienced boxer with tremendous will power. Not only is he an icon but a leader from whom our team can learn. In 2005, he was awarded the Arjuna Award and this speaks volumes of his potential. We welcome him to Team Fighters and wish him the very best. We are confident he will perform well at the highest level.”
Brig PK Muralidharan Raja, IABF General Secretary, said,
“This is one of the best signings Mumbai Fighters could have done for their team. Akhil’s open guarded style of boxing is suitable for pro boxing and it will be a great plus point in the World Series of Boxing too. He has the right attitude and upcoming boxers could not have had asked for a better example to look up to than Akhil. His experience is immense and he could easily be a team-leader and mentor for all the Mumbai Fighters’ boxers. Congrats to the Fighters team.”
Akhil Kumar, on joining Mumbai Fighters, said,
“Boxing the pro way was always something that excited me and joining the Fighters will help me do that to a great extent. Being with them won’t only help me train and get in better shape, but also help me to keep an eye on my ultimate aim of qualifying for me is the London Olympic Games. At the same time, India’s participation in WSB is going to change the boxing scenario in the country and I want to be a part of the historic moment and give back to the sport which has given me so much.”
Akhil Kumar’s career achievements:
YMCA Junior International 1999 – GoldXI International Boxing 2001 (Russia) – GoldRegetta Int. Boxing (Seychelles) 2002 – GoldSenior National 2002 – GoldAfro Asian Games 2003 – GoldOlympic Games 2004 – participantCommonwealth Boxing championship 2005 – Gold
Arjuna Award 2005Commonwealth Games 2006 – GoldSAF Games 2006 – GoldAsian Boxing championship 2007 – BronzeOlympic Qualifying Boxing 2008 – Silver2nd Olympic Qualifying 2008 – GoldOlympic Games 2008 quarter finalistAIBA World Cup 2008 – Bronze