All changes in Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2

Four Operators fighting off enemies in Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2
Discussing all the changes in Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2 (Image via Activision)

The Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2 patch notes are out and the new update brings a plethora of changes to the table. Most of these changes pertain to bug fixes and improving the game mode's overall quality to deliver fans a compelling and seamless experience. Additionally, Season 2 brings with it a brand new map called The Tomb for players to partake in and continue to the Zombies story. Overall, the update is packed with new content and changes.


In this article, we'll take a closer look at all the changes and new additions in the Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2 update.

Exploring all changes in Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2

As per the official Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2 patch notes, the following are all the changes and updates:


New Zombies map: The Tomb

  • Following the events at Citadelle des Morts, Weaver, Maya, Carver, and Grey must take the amulet secured at the Citadel to a cursed dig site and the ancient catacombs within. Professor Krafft indicated that the elusive Sentinel Artifact may be found in the tunnels below. Reports of paranormal phenomena go back centuries, possibly related to the presence of the artifact. If the team can secure it, there may yet be hope in releasing Samantha Maxis from her imprisonment in the Dark Aether.

New weapons

  • PPSh-41 – SMG (Battle Pass)
  • Full-auto submachine gun. Fast fire rate with impressive damage and high recoil. Moderate handling.
  • Cypher 091 – Assault Rifle (Battle Pass)
  • Full-auto assault rifle. Slower rate of fire balanced by great handling and excellent mobility.
  • Feng 82 - LMG (Battle Pass)
  • Full-auto light machine gun. Very slow rate of fire with great damage and handling.
  • TR2 - Marksman Rifle (Event Reward)
  • Semi-auto marksman rifle. Great rate of fire and respectable handling.

New attachments

  • Crossbow Attachment (Battle Pass)
  • Add some flare to your Primary Weapon with the Crossbow Underbarrel Attachment. The three explosive-tipped bolts detonate shortly after impact for an explosive finish, even if you hit just wide of the mark.
  • AEK-973 Full Auto Mod (Event Reward)
  • Convert the AEK-973 into a fully automatic weapon chambered in 5.45x39mm. The change gives the Marksman Rifle a steady upward kick; press slightly downward through sustained fire to stay on target.
  • Tanto .22 SMG Binary Trigger (Event Reward)
  • Alter the weapon’s typical full-auto firing mode to a specialized semi-auto function that fires a bullet when the trigger is pulled and when it’s released for rapid-fire capabilities. Blocks Barrel and Underbarrel attachments.

New scorestreak

  • War Machine (Event Reward)
  • Available In-Season, equip this powerful burst-fire grenade launcher with grenades that explode on impact.
  • The War Machine can also be accessed in Zombies at the Crafting Table under Support.

New Operators

  • Vortex (BlackCell, Crimson One, Launch)
  • There’s no escaping this master assassin, known only under the alias Vortex. All biographical information for this Operator has been redacted.
  • Nocturne (Battle Pass, Crimson One, Launch)
  • A bounty’s been activated on the Rogue Black Ops team, and Nocturne is here to collect. Other than his incredible lethality on display, all biographical information for this Operator has been redacted.
  • The Terminator (Bundle, Crimson One, In-Season)
  • The ultimate killing machine arrives as The Terminator deploys from the future to decimate its enemies across Season 02. This brand-new Operator comes with two Ultra Skins inspired by the original movie. Take control of the cyborg assassin who first crashed onto the silver screen in 1984, releasing as a Store Bundle shortly after Launch.

New events

  • The Terminator (February 6 to 20)
  • Collect skulls to unlock rewards. Skulls are earned via eliminations in Multiplayer and Zombies, and by eliminating players and opening caches in Call of Duty: Warzone. Earn bonus skulls for eliminating enemies with explosive or fire damage.
  • Shadow Hunt (February 13 to 20)
  • To join Nocturne, you must first complete the challenges he has laid out before you. Don’t fail him.


  • Citadelle des Morts
  • Addressed a server stability issue that could occur when Zombies continue to spawn when no players were present during an active Incantation Ritual.
  • Addressed a rare issue where players could be downed during the Main Quest outro.
  • Addressed an issue where The Guardian could get stuck between phases longer than intended.
  • Addressed an invulnerability exploit when using "Nowhere But There."
  • Addressed an issue where the Mystic Orb could be placed again after opening the Secret Study.
  • Disabled the option to fast travel when voting to Final Encounter to prevent players from getting stuck.
  • Addressed an issue where loading a save after opening the castle doors would repair some environmental damage caused by the cannon.
  • Addressed some more locations in the Dungeon where the Lightning Rod dropped by the zombie carrying it could be unreachable.
  • Addressed an issue where the Welding Torch would clip into the nearby crate.
  • Addressed an issue where being hit by the Cannon could activate the Dying Wish Augment for Quick Revive.
  • Addressed an issue where Vermin would continue to spawn each round if the player had gone down during Maya’s Revenge Quest.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Maya’s Revenge Quest from ending properly when a player uses the "Nowhere But There" GobbleGum to exit the event.
  • Addressed an issue where interacting with the Radio and then dying would prevent entry into Maya’s Revenge Side Quest.
  • Krafft will no longer have a blood effect when being punched with Melee Macchiato.
  • Addressed an issue causing the Kompact 92 wall buy interact to be offset.
  • Addressed some visual issues when looking out the Tavern windows.
  • Addressed some visual issues when on the Ramparts.
  • Improved lighting near Jugger-Nog to avoid a tripping hazard.
  • Addressed an issue where players could get stuck getting through the East entrance to the Town Square.
  • Addressed an issue where Zombies could climb through the railings to get on the Tavern stairs.
  • Addressed an issue where joining in progress would not highlight the locks on the Pack-a-Punch crate.
  • Addressed an issue that caused Parasites to clip into the wall when exiting a spawn closet in the Hillside Ramparts.
  • Training Course
  • Addressed an issue where players could not buy a weapon a second time at Station 5.
  • Armor will now be reset when starting Station 5 to prevent the player from being blocked from continuing if they had already purchased tier 2 Armor.
  • Terminus
  • Addressed an issue where an Amalgam could get stuck in a spawn area during Exfil.
  • Addressed an issue where the Tactical Raft could become stuck on a pillar when piloting near the boss arena.
  • Addressed an issue that caused reticles on certain weapons to change position after using the Oscillation Calibrator.
  • Addressed an issue with a floating shovel on Castle Rock Island.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Node Connection repair interface from appearing during split-screen games.
  • Addressed an issue that caused missing geometry in the Sea Caves after loading a save file.
  • Liberty Falls
  • Addressed an issue that caused a loss of functionality when a bowling event was started while holding a Sentry Turret.
  • Addressed an issue with the Aether Canister visual screen VFX while the player is on a ladder.


  • Directed
  • Addressed an issue where the Crafting Table menu could remain open when dying at the round cap.
  • Automatic Exfil will now begin after the current Round ends instead of immediately.
  • Automatic Exfil has been adjusted to trigger after six hours instead of five.

General playlist updates

  • Closed an exploit where disconnecting right as the player died would keep their saved game.
  • Addressed an issue where joining after being kicked for AFK could give the player two of the same GobbleGum.


  • Players who are kicked for inactivity in co-op games will have their loadout, Essence, and Salvage restored upon rejoining the match.


  • Addressed an issue where Single Fire mode would not count toward Slaughter Medals.
  • Added a warning for players when purchasing a Wall Buy if it will replace one of their current weapons.
  • Addressed an issue where interacting with quest objects with long hold times would reload the held weapon when using a controller.


  • Aether Shroud
  • Adjusted the Aether Dash Augment to prevent players from being stuck in unintended locations.
  • PhD Flopper
  • Improved PhD Slider to work with Omni-directional slides.

Field upgrades

  • Tesla Storm
  • Static Discharge
  • Addressed an issue where kills from Static Discharge would not award Essence to the player.


  • Chopper Gunner
  • Addressed an issue where the player could continue to shoot the Chopper Gunner weapon after the streak has ended.
  • Hand Cannon
  • Addressed an issue where attempting to pick up an Aether Tool while wielding a Hand Cannon would consume the Aether Tool without applying it to a weapon.


  • Addressed an issue where Intel for Obscurus Altilium was not unlocked after completing the Citadelle des Morts Main Quest.
  • Added Season 01 Reloaded weapons to the Mystery Box.


  • Amalgam
  • Addressed an issue where rarely the player would be let go immediately after being grabbed.
  • Vermin
  • Addressed an issue where Vermin could hit twice with one attack.
  • Vermin will now ragdoll properly in the air when killed mid-leap.


  • S.A.M. Trials
  • Addressed an issue where crafted Scorestreaks would be removed at the end of a trial if they matched the one used for the trial.
  • Scaled the Hand Cannon Trial time based on the current Round up to 100 Seconds at Round 31+.
  • Addressed an issue preventing S.A.M. Trials from being completed in Splitscreen.


  • Dead Drop, Modified Chaos, and Quacknarok are now available via in-game GobbleGum drops and the Season 02 Battle Pass.
  • Addressed an issue where restocked GobbleGums would not be immediately available for use.
  • Addressed an issue where the “Exit Strategy” GobbleGum would not be usable when the Exfil Radio was present.
  • Addressed an exploit that allowed players to keep timer-based GobbleGums after they have been consumed.


  • “Box Addict” Dark Ops Challenge
  • Added a hard cap of 37 different weapons required, which matches the amount at launch so that weapons added post-launch do not increase the difficulty of this challenge.
  • “Gladiator” Fresh Meat Challenge
  • Will now track for exfils at or above round 11.
  • Daily Challenges
  • Addressed an issue where the “Get Zombie Eliminations with Pistols” challenge could be progressed with Brain Rot kills.
  • Surveyor Challenge
  • Random Perk Power-up now applies progress to this challenge.


  • Players will now see an in-game notification whenever they complete an Augment Research step and unlock a new Augment.
  • Addressed an issue where the Elemental Swords would be vertical in the Wonder Weapon preview.
  • Aligned the GobbleGum prompt in-game.
  • Updated the In-Game Pause Menu Augments research progress, along with other visual improvements.
  • Added visual improvements to Boss HP bars.
  • Addressed an issue where placeholders would appear momentarily when entering the Audio Logs in the Intel menu for the first time.
  • Added a location to view Cinematics in the Intel menu.
  • The GobbleGum HUD widget will now be hidden while spectating.
  • Addressed an issue that allowed damage feedback to remain active during in-game cinematics.
  • Improved visual information when editing GobbleGum Packs.
  • Addressed incorrect navigation button text in the Intel Menu.
  • HUD Presets can now be set separately for Zombies and Multiplayer.


  • Addressed an issue in the third person where Elemental Sword effects would be misaligned when attacking.
  • Addressed an issue with the Solais Elementa Sword where the visual effects of the charged ability would play longer than the actual effect.
  • Addressed an issue where the glow effects from the Crown would persist after dying and respawning.
  • Addressed a typo on the soda cans inside the Stamin-Up Machine.
  • Removed fire effects from Vermin's legs when Arachnophobia mode is toggled.

That covers all the changes and new additions in Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 2.

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Edited by Ashmita Bhatt
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