Players who have pre-ordered Modern Warfare 3 will gain early access to its campaign. The narrative will pick up from the second entry, with MW3 bringing the rebooted trilogy to a conclusion. The game's multiplayer and zombies will be included following its official launch on November 10, 2023, as stated by Activsion-Blizzard.
Since the early entries in the Call of Duty series, multiplayer has been a crucial and evolving component. To that end, this article will cover all the killstreaks and scorestreaks for the zombies and multiplayer game types in Modern Warfare 3.
Modern Warfare 3 killstreaks and scorestreaks complete list
As your Operator levels up in Modern Warfare 3, they get access to a plethora of offensive or reconnaissance abilities. You can select three of these and specify whether they become accessible after a particular number of kills (killstreaks) or a certain amount of points are earned by completing in-game actions (scorestreaks).
Modern Warfare 3's zombie game mode will have a limited pool of killstreaks and scorestreaks to pick from, and several of these abilities function differently from their multiplayer counterparts.

- Killstreak: 4
- Scorestreak: 500
Reveals enemies on the minimap for a brief duration
Mosquito Drone
- Killstreak: 4
- Scorestreak: 500
An explosive drone that flies in a circle around its launch site. When it detects an enemy, dive bombs them and explodes.
SAM Turret
- Killstreak: 4
- Scorestreak: 500
Launches a missile attack on a hostile aircraft.
Bomb Drone
- Killstreak: 4
- Scorestreak: 500
A remote-controlled drone with a C4 charge attached.
- Killstreak: 5
- Scorestreak: 625
A non-lethal, area-denial weapon in the shape of a beam. Works similarly to a stun grenade, as enemies entering the AoE will have decreased movement speed, blurred eyesight, and the removal of the user interface.
Care Package
- Killstreak: 5
- Scorestreak: 625
A care package with a random killstreak will be delivered to your position
Counter UAV
- Killstreak: 5
- Scorestreak: 625
Blocks enemies' minimaps for a short time.
Precision Airstrike
- Killstreak: 6
- Scorestreak: 750
Call in an airstrike on your targeted path.
Cruise Missile
- Killstreak: 6
- Scorestreak:750
Control a missile whose speed you can boost.
Remote Turret
- Killstreak: 7
- Scorestreak: 875
An automated turret that detects opponents nearby and shoots incendiary shots.
Mortar Strike
- Killstreak: 7
- Scorestreak Needed: 875
Call in a barrage of mortars on your targeted location.
- Killstreak: 7
- Scorestreak Needed: 875
Order a trio of aircraft to drop aerial bombs on certain targets.

Juggernaut Recon
- Killstreak: 8
- Scorestreak: 1,000
Care package with Juggernaut Recon gear. The suit has a radar that detects nearby opponents, marking them on the minimap. It comes with a riot shield, Haymaker, and smoke grenades.
- Killstreak: 8
- Scorestreak: 1,000
A vehicle that can be operated remotely with an auto sentry.
Overwatch Helo
- Killstreak: 8
- Scorestreak: 1,000
An escort helicopter that hovers over your position and pings enemy location in the vicinity before attacking.
- Killstreak: 10
- Scorestreak: 1,250
It can be used to bomb enemies and defend a location chosen by the player.
Emergency Airdrop
- Killstreak: 10
- Scorestreak: 1,250
Delivers three random Killstreak care packages to your location
Carpet Bomb
- Killstreak: 10
- Scorestreak: 1,250
A bomber that leaves a long trail of explosives on the path you mark.
Advanced UAV
- Killstreak: 12
- Scorestreak: 1,500
Marks enemies on the map and tracks them. It cannot be destroyed.
Chopper Gunner
- Killstreak: 12
- Scorestreak: 1,500
Gain control of an assault chopper armored with a turret and air-to-land missiles for a limited time.
- Killstreak: 12
- Scorestreak: 1,500
A heavy attack gunship with cannons and a laser-tracking missile.
- Killstreak: 15
- Scorestreak: 1,875
Gear for a juggernaut sent by care box. Upon the juggernaut's death, the minigun will drop on the battlefield.
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